
Mathew Jade
Mathew Jade 1 May 2019
Categories Content

Worried About Content: Here Are Your Options—From a Marketer’s Perspective

The article discusses different content strategies that helps attract an audience from a marketer’s perspective. The content strategies discussed are commonly used by marketers i.e. blogs, eBooks, video content etc. The purpose of the article is to provide an insight on the relevant and different options for in-depth content from a strictly marketer's perspective.

Content marketing is imperative when it comes to attracting your target audience and increasing sales. In fact, content marketing happens to be the most cost effective tactic compared to other methods, the only exception in front of this is email marketing.

One problem that marketers usually face with this is, most entrepreneurs or business owners are so overwhelmed with other responsibilities they do not have time to invest in their content marketing strategy as much as it needs, and often because of this find that they could not yield the expected results.

Here are the most engaging content format tips to help you with ROI.


Blog posts are popular mostly because everyone thinks that is all they need to get started on their content marketing endeavors. When done right, depending on your needs in an amalgamation of other content formats, the advantages of blogs are definitely worth it.

They help build an authoritative voice in your niche, they allow you to get more citations from other trusted sources and help you lead towards higher search rankings, and this is one content that you can use or change to another format completely.

Another great way to build your inbound link profile is to make use of guest blogging. These cover a ton of topics, such as, lists, reviews, and how to’s along with many more. These type of articles are most shared and engaged with content on the internet.


These are another excellent way to create good content quickly. When you do it right, your eBook serves to be a wonderful lead magnet and help you solve all of your customers’ problems. Hubspot is one site that uses eBooks as its lead magnets, it has allowed it over time to become a very successful company.

If you are thinking about making an eBook a good starting point would be to go with an in-depth content. Here is a good read on making an ebook.


Video marketing stats reveal that videos garner the most attention online. Many age groups watch videos on their mobile devices, making it one of the most trusted sources for many viewers. The good thing is that this content format contributes to the ROI of a business as well.

One report claims that video offers you 66% more leads in a year than when you do not use this tactic into effect. Your brand awareness improves and 81% of people who use video marketing notice an increase in sales.

There are tons of ways one can incorporate videos into their marketing strategy. You can create explainer videos that walk people through your ecommerce website or business, you can make videos that showcase the quality of your product or even introduce new products and their unique selling points, and you can use videos to shoot tutorials that offer step by step instructions in how to use your product.

Video content should always be in line with popular culture, this is the easiest way to get views and potential viability.

But how do you begin making this content? There are plenty of ways that allow you to do most tasks yourself. Youtube, for example, allows people to have a video channel, you can shoot videos on your smartphones and upload them through the Youtube studio app, and you can also create a video creation tool, or simply go live online.

Info graphics

These are amongst the most shared pieces on the internet. Most info graphics are interactive, and the static ones are illustrious — interesting when conveying the message. Research found that 84% of marketers who use info graphics find the format effective.

When creating info graphics, it is very important that you get the graphic elements right to make them attractive. Do not compromise on making the information reliable and accurate. It is important to your strategy that they are linkable, shareable resources.

White Papers and Reports

White papers help you engage with your audience effectively. The best white papers are not a marketing pitch — they lean towards assisting your audience. You don’t even have to go with the hard sell with this format.

A good white paper is one that focuses on all key issues, is relatively short at around 6 to 10 pages, uses in depth research, back up claims that can be verified by research and stats, and includes graphs, pull quotes and charts. A call to action is essential.


Webinars, are a great marketing content format. Around 40% of people who go through webinars turn into leads.

Webinars consist of presentations and a brief question and answer session. They help you show your expertise, and help you demonstrate services and products which attendees may want to use. If you have never done a webinar for your business before, there are tons of online tools that offer trials on their programs and let you connect with over a hundred attendees for no fee.

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