
David J. Boozer
David J. Boozer 8 May 2019
Categories Content, Social Media

5 Social Media Posts Guaranteed To Get More Engagement…

Here are five types of social media posts that are guaranteed to get more engagement, well, if you use them properly that is… Social media, unlike the straightforwardness of good SEO and content marketing, tactics seem to differ from one so-called marketing guru to the next.

I wanted to get past the hype, because in the end, each business is as different as the online business owner behind it. There are some basic tactics here we can all use, however, best practices if you will, and here they are…

Social media posts…for real.

When someone starts showing of income reports and average statistics for their website traffic, well, that is fine with me.

But, social media engagement statistics, when they start (the guru) sharing these results, well, they do not matter, they are completely benign when it comes to your business.


Because their business(es) are ran by them, their personalities, their brand, it is all them, no you, not me.

Listen, you and I could both be in the same business, industry, heck, the same narrow niche selling gold fish food. But, we are two totally different people and some folks will connect with you better than they will with me, and vice versa.

Now that you know your results are based on you and your own efforts here, let’s dive into these five simple to understand and practice social posts types!

1. Value (social) posts.


Value added.

What do we mean by value added content and, well, here, value added social posts?

Simply put:

It means to provide a solution to a problem someone, well, people may have about a particular field, industry, or whatever your niche is.

For instance; Someone might be desiring or needing to know which blogging platform is best for beginners.

Personally, you could create a 35-100 word post explaining briefly the reasons for your choice of, say, WordPress, and even record a short video to post with it, or an image.

Value posts on social media has everything to do with helping others, basically fulfilling in them that whole “what’s in it for me” they are seeking or needing with that answer.

As far as this type of post is concerned, getting people or calling them to action to a landing page, or some sales page usually does not work and can actually have the reverse effect, they could dislike you un-follow you if you will.

Personally, this is all about giving them what they want, and not worrying about the conversion, at least no yet.

That will come, and it will come with one or more of the following social media post types as we continue.

2. Recognition posts.




Probably the most powerful of all social media post types, the recognition post is all about one thing;

Sharing a story with proof in the pudding!

Yes, how well your product, service, or opportunity has changed or at least made a positive impact in the lives of others, not just you, is what this post is all about.

Here you have the chance to mention others who are satisfied, happy, and even thrilled about what an impact your product, service, or opportunity has had on their life.

Here is a simple example:

Just wanted to say congratulations to J.P. for achieving her first writing award! J.P. is an author who recently wanted to learn more about sharing her stories and writing tips with new and upcoming writers. Today, through her new online marketing skill sets and her continuing passion for writing she is being awarded and recognized through a national writers guild! Congrats J.P.! If you want to learn how she accomplished this online, private message me…

Of course, I would add a picture of her, the author, and holding her latest book if possible.

As I stated above, here is your chance to put some PROOF IN THE PUDDING if you will, of the power behind what you are promoting, yet, all the while, we said very little about it, all we did was praise her for her accomplishments, and rightfully so!

3. Story posts.

Their story.

Not yours.

Here is your chance to share how your product, service, or opportunity has helped better and changed maybe, the life of another.

No, it is not your story per-say, but it is a story about the life of another and how you had an affect on it.

Does that make it your story? I guess in a round-about way, sure. And if you are a true democrat, you could stretch it into you own like everything else.

But, this is a story about the success another person sees because they took that risk, that step out in faith of you, and what you have to offer.

Personally, I think a good story post can go a long way, a very, very long way in the world of social media marketing!

4. Engagement posts.

This is for you.

Not your business.

Engagement posts are meant to get people engaged with you. Not your business, well, not every single time. Yes, some engagement posts can be all biz, but most will be more personalized, if you will.

What I mean is a simple engagement post like, for example:

What was your thumbs up or down on the last Star Wars movie?

I would have a short paragraph in the description of my main thought, my thumb up or down, and on the image the question above would be written on it.

This is going to be a way in which you can make a personal connection with your current audience, and new ones!

And we all know that social media marketing is all about growing connections.

This is a double edged sword, however. Get too personal and you could alienate some. So, if you are going to, make sure to be perfectly sure you want to connect through religious or political posts!

Personally, I don’t mind alienating some folks, I am okay with that, I like to work with like minded people as often as possible, but that is me, not you.

Be careful here.

If you think sticking to the benign is better, do so.

5. Call to action posts.


To the point.

Cut to the chase.

This is strictly great copy writing and advertising done right!

Personally, yeah, you could accomplish this with a simple video, a blog post, a landing or sales page.

Even a great little advert in a Facebook feed or Google Adwords for that matter.

But, a call to action is just that, a simple and blunt call to action to take advantage of a great free offer you have, a discount on a product or service, or an invite into that partnership with you of that great business opportunity!

Yes, it will take some great sales copy, so some decent copy writing skills will matter most here.

But, in the end, this is as I said; a blatant call to action and the reason why you need to ease into them.

A social posting schedule.

Below is a social media posting schedule I got from a good friend, one that I was actually following even though I did not know it, HA!

But, this should give you at least a good idea of when and what you can share or could share on a regular basis to keep yourself relevant in todays fast as lightening feeds…

Social Media Schedule:

Motivation Monday: Send out a motivational quote w/ image.

Tuesday Video: Share a message, tip, or educational piece about the industry, the products, or the opportunity.

Healthy Or Wealthy Wednesday: Post out a short message about the health and wellness or business journey you are on.

Thursday Video: Share a message, tip, or educational piece about the industry, the products, the services, or the opportunity you apart of.

Friday Fun: Share pics and lifestyle and the fun side  of the work at home life and journey you are on.

So, I hope this helps you to better your social media marketing skills through these 5 simple social media post types, and the schedule above…

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