
Asad Ali
Asad Ali 4 October 2018

Reading Content Online: Revealing Readers’ Habits! - Infographic

To hit the target audience, content type and content placement at a web page needs serious attention. For Right presentation of the content, checkout this infographic to know the important trends & statistics that reveal how people read content online.

When you pick a book, you might prefer reading it from first page to the last one. That is not the case with online reading. People sift and jump from one to the other page without reading thoroughly. What does it mean? Reading habits of real world readers and digital readers differ. It poses a big challenge for online marketers to devise content presentation strategies so as to make their website a big hit among prospects or customers.

GO-Gulf has presented very interesting facts in its infographic regarding habits of online content readers. Read and learn how to move as per interest of the target audiences.

how people read content online

Attention Span Of Users

Stats reveal that in year 2000, users spent 12 seconds attentively at a web page. The rate is dropped to 8 seconds in 2018. And, 55% of the users spend less than 15 seconds at a web page. Users who spend 15 or more seconds at a web page have 25% chances to recall the brand than those who spend less than 10 seconds. It means marketers have to present the most interesting information related to the business in such a manner that it could grab the users’ attention in first 8 seconds of their stay at the website.

The Left-Right Viewing

Although F-pattern page viewing has been the most common type among internet users, but now stats tell that users spend 69% of their online presence time viewing left half of the page and 30% viewing the right half of the page. It seems the most important information, headlines or images should occupy the left half of the page to grab users’ attention.

The Page-Fold Matter

Users spend 80% of their online presence reading the information available above the page fold. It is true that interesting information let the users scroll down the page, but they spend just 20% of their time looking what is there below the page fold. On average users read just 20% of the text on a web page while 0-20% users go for full page reading.

The Returning Visitors

If you are successful in keeping the website visitors engaged while reading an article for 3 minutes, you can expect them returning twice. While those who read an article on a web page for one minute return at least for once. Interest factor should be considered while writing for the target audiences.

Users’ Engaging Time

If there are long news stories or information at a web page comprising more than 1000 words, then it keeps the users engaged for 123 seconds. Short stories engage the users for 57 seconds. It means “less is more” philosophy is no more true for news stories and details matter a lot for serious readers.

Time Spent By Returning Visitors

Stats reveal that returning visitors are more interested to read in detail what is there at a web page and for that purpose they spend on average 277 seconds while reading an article. Overall users spend 123 seconds while reading. It means interest brings readers back and helps a rise in engaging time.

Reading Habits

This is the most interesting part of the stats revealed in the infographic.

  • 97% readers read just title of the article
  • 98% read the sub-titles
  • 60% prefer content skimming rather than reading
  • 91% like to read the image caption

It means titles, sub-titles, and images speak louder while attracting the target audiences, so the most interesting information should be placed there.

Concluding the stats, it is clear that to hit the target audience, content type and content placement at a web page needs serious attention. Right presentation of the content can help business growth while at the same time it can distract the visitors if not used appropriately.

Is your content worth reading? If not, consider expert consultation!

Infographic Source.

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