10 Easy Tricks & Methods You Can Use To Make Money Using Guest Blogging
No matter what industry you’re in or what kind of writer you are, guest blogger can be a great way to earn a bit of extra money throughout the year. However, guest blogging is not as painless as some may first assume and there are a few things you need to be aware of, whether you’re pitching your idea or working with the editor.
Guest posting can be tricky. To help you make your guest post experience the best it can be, here are 10 easy tricks and tips to follow, allowing you to make money where you can.
Monetizing Your Blog Posts
Although the most basic way of making money, it’s also one of the most reliable and a good build-up of these kinds of blogs can help you in the long term. There are a few ways you can do. Firstly, you can add ads to your blog that are either Pay Per View or Pay Per Click.
You can also sell sponsored ad space in your blog posts, sponsored reviews or even sell membership content, all while guest posting on another blog.
Sell a Product Through Your Blog
Consider the blog posts that list of the top smartphone apps that do this function or the best eBooks to educate you about something. Sell a product through your guest post blogs is one of the best ways to make money which can have a huge ROI if implemented in the right way.
Sell Your Own Writing Services
As a writer, freelance or otherwise, you can always advertise your own services which can help you build your client base and secure your work in the future.
Michael Caldwell, a blogger for Originwritings states: “All you need to do to sell your own services in a guest post is simply add your details to the top or the bottom of your post, as well as a contact method, in the blog post author’s description.”
Implement Affiliate Marketing in posts
This is a relative easy venture to set up and could even be your primary source income if done correctly. You can sell both physical and digital products from travel packages to Amazon products.
Sell Using Referral Links
A referral link is a link that a company will provide you to link back to their website or company. When someone clicks that link and in turn signs up for an account or to a service, you’ll get paid commission for each sale or sign up.
You can include these links inside your guest post articles while describing and ‘selling the service’, allowing you to create a constant source of income for each post.
Try Working for Content Mills
Content mills are the name given to companies and businesses that churn out dozens, if not hundreds, of articles a day for selling and guest posting opportunities with the aim of generating money long-term. Although writing for these companies is not a great way to initially make money, the contacts you can make from them can be lucrative.
Try Working for Influencers
A much more lucrative option than working for content mills is working for influencers. These are people online with large groups of followers and market for brands. However, these influencers won’t be able to generate all the content they need and will, therefore, use ghostwriters, which could be you.
Perfecting Your Content
One of the biggest aspects you’ll need to consider is perfecting your writing skill, so it’s perfect. This means checking over your spelling and punctuation after you’ve created a piece as well as brushing up on your grammar knowledge.
As a writer, you might have found that you’ve got into bad habits which is why you can use the assistance of tools like WriteMyX and 1Day2Write to guarantee a high-quality.
Share Your Expertise with Writers
If you’ve managed to successfully guest post dozens of blogs in the past, just because it’s easy for you, it doesn’t mean that it’s easy for everybody else. With this in mind, you can try selling an online course that teaches people how you managed to succeed and any advice that you could have for them.
Try Selling Your Articles to Publications
I’m talking about bigger and more widely known publications. Although far less content is accepted, if you managed to make your way into these publications, it could be a primary earner.
This is because magazines and physical publications have to pay printing rates and only have limited space in their publication. However, these guest posting jobs pay far higher than online services, and you can get yourself printed into something awesome!