
Jaymin Vyas
Jaymin Vyas 24 October 2018

Online Data Security Catapults Organizations into Uncharted Territory

For businesses and even home computers, data security is paramount. Imagine losing data to hackers or malware infection! Such greater consequences if it should occur.

With years and years of experience, software development services are in a position to being experts in various technologies, particularly with the much hyped AI technology. Catering to clients all over the world, they offer services to clients across varied industry verticals, particularly with advancements in artificial intelligence, the need of the hour.

Paying For Service Don’t Guarantee That It Won’t Sell Company Data

In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal of Facebook, and congressional hearings, there exists a palpable sense that pressures is gradually building up around security of online data and that it’s about to finally catapult to uncharted territory. The concerns are nothing new. Facebook has been a trailblazer when it comes to social media, but lacking in transparency. User data misuse has ruffled feathers for years.

The lawmakers on both sides in the United States appears to agree that it’s high time to regulate. However, doing so seems like a tightrope walk. Nobody dares to infringe the first amendment, but consumers should be protected, of course without stifling Silicon Valley innovation.

It’s obvious that something is not working. (Again), the popular phrase, ‘if you’re not paying for it, you become the product’ but misses the larger picture that could be just as atrocious—even if you’re paying, still you could be the product.

Human and Artificial Intelligence Companies, The New Data Masters

Artificial intelligence in an enterprise is where social media was positioned a decade ago. While still without doubt cutting edge, is has been embraced fast by big organizations. A recent BrightEdge study revealed that over 50 percent of respondents stated that AI is critical or a must-have for the marketing of the future.

In a new report published by Investor’s Business Daily, Monsanto, Walmart, Devon Energy and John Deere, all are using AI for optimizing supply chain concerns, boost overall efficiency and/or help determine new promising products. Finance Industries are positive that AI could massively boost detection of fraud as well as money laundering. Big efficiency gains are expected in the healthcare and manufacturing sectors once human and artificial intelligence is fully implemented.

Data Fuels The Ai Technology

In the rush to prepare for the future, business entrepreneurs may have forgotten that data is the fuel of the artificial intelligence technology. The so-called ‘data-network effect’ that data attracts users who generate data and which attracts more users, so on and so forth, is a powerful economic engine that could be compared in scale to the oil industry in the last century. That is why, it’s common practice for companies that develop AI products eager to boost their AI engine and prove outputs value, that in exchange for data samples, offer free demonstrations.

The sets of data are critically valuable, since they are used to boot the AI engine, in preparation for the next sample. Enterprises that are shopping around for AI product vendors have a lot of options, and likely would supply sample data to various providers. Most probably, only one vendor would be selected, but others eventually would be employed by the competition.

These companies, at best would ultimately have fueled the competition, diluting their own competitive edge through offering a one-of-a-kind consumer insight to a service provider of artificial intelligence solutions to consume as much as data possible. Organizations immersing in AI and submitting data to various vendors, at worst, could open themselves or the customers to security risks. It’s comparatively easy for an adversary to build ‘maliciously trained network’ to misbehave when responding to specific inputs.

Take for instance a stop sign being interpreted by an automated vehicle could be manipulated to a harmful end. The more data available out there, the higher and the bigger the risk. This certainly is a worst-case scenario, but serves to illustrate how security concerns would be more critical as the tech matures. 

Role Of Ai In Personal Data Security

Is the world entering a new behavioral tracking age, with the emergence of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning? Would this offer new personal data security levels and would people’s behavior online become the only password needed?

The current AI and machine learning development level already has delivered new security systems, which are in current use. Nonetheless both are far from autonomous and still need high supervision levels. Clearly, they could search vast data quantities to respond to a particular query or task, like authenticating shopper identity for instance.

AI could identify behavior change, highlight an anomaly, but is the behavior a threat? The journey forward is murky and murkier still when planning for the technology of tomorrow. Success in regulating without stifling innovation could mean the technology landscape look entirely different in fifteen, twenty or even thirty years from today.

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