
Raul Harman
Raul Harman 22 October 2018
Categories Ecommerce

4 Reasons Why Visitors Don’t Add Products to Cart on Your Product Page

Shopping cart abandonment is all to present in the modern eCommerce world, but incentivizing people to put the products in their carts in the first place, that is truly a cumbersome challenge. Implement these solutions, and you will have no problem getting people to fill out their carts as soon as they land on your product page.

Making a sale is the toughest part of eCommerce, and this should come as no surprise to any online store leader. In fact, if you take into account that the average shopping cart abandonment rate is almost 70%, then you can imagine how difficult it is to make a sale, or even get people to add items to their carts in the first place. Fortunately, the problem is not that there is a lack of demand for your product, or that there is something wrong with your visitors – it’s your understanding of the customer that needs to change.

This is a good thing, it means that you hold the power in your hands to fix this situation and propel your online brand forward. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the four key mistakes you need to fix in order to get people to add products to their carts.

Is it urgent enough?

If it’s not urgent, then why buy it now? Building urgency is a time-tested tactic online stores have been using for years, and it just works. If a customer feels like the product they’re checking out is soon to be out of stock, or if the discount will last just a few more hours, then they will feel the need to act now instead of putting it off and eventually forgetting about the whole thing.

Fortunately, you can build urgency on your product page in numerous ways, so consider the following:

  • Free shipping is an extremely popular feature, but that doesn’t mean that it should be available at all times. This creates the opportunity to offer limited-time free shipping on select items, and incentivize the customers to beat the clock.

  • Limit your stock levels and make sure the visitors are aware of that product quantities are rapidly diminishing. This doesn’t necessarily have to be true, but it does an excellent job at building urgency and getting people to act immediately.

  • Always highlight certain products over others to grab the attention of the customer – this is usually a limited edition item with special features.

  • Offer special deals, bonuses, and bundles for first-time visitors to influence their decision-making process.

  • Lastly, add a “recent purchase” feature in the bottom left corner of the screen to let people know that others are buying from the website and that they too should take action. This will also make other products more visible to potential buyers.

Correlate your ads with the landing page

There is nothing more annoying and off-putting than following a link from a beautiful add to a confusing, poorly-designed target page. Worse yet, you’re bound to lose potential customers for good if the landing page is a product that’s completely unrelated to the ad. This is why you need to eliminate all mismatched ads and landing pages promptly.

To minimize your bounce rate and boost your landing page CRO, you will need to focus on meticulous advertisement creation and rigorous scrutiny of your every link to make sure it’s leading to the corresponding landing page. Next, be sure that all promotions and discounts visible on the add are included on the landing page – and make sure the customer knows it. And lastly, don’t spam newcomers with sign-up forms, save that for when they’ve actually put the item in the cart.

User experience matters most

In the world of eCommerce, user experience and customer feedback are vital for your survival, as well as your SERP positioning. While it is crucial that you establish a trustworthy relationship with your demographic using compelling storytelling and enticing visuals, it’s the entire user experience that will determine if Google will even put you in front of your audience. Everything from loading speed, ease of navigation, to aesthetic appeal, all of these factors will ensure search engines like your website.

People want an aesthetically pleasing design, but search engines want an SEO-friendly website which is why online entrepreneurs are increasingly hiring the services of a professional enterprise SEO agency in order to make sure that the website and its content are well-optimized and search engine-friendly. With excellent visibility across the digital realm, you will have no problem attracting new customers to your store, and helping old customers find you easily among the numerous competitors.

Reel them in with compelling content

Last but not least, it’s important to understand the power and potential of quality website content. A surefire way to drive your eCommerce store straight into the ground is to allow poor copywriting to spread across your product page and individual product descriptions. To avoid this, focus on:

  • Crafting product stories people can relate to on an emotional level.

  • Weave product specifications into the images, and stories for a complete browsing experience.

  • List the specifications in a separate column for easy navigation.

  • Offer true value to the customer and emphasize how your product can fix their problem.

  • Include CTAs into the copy, and don’t make people scroll all the way down to find it.

In conclusion

Shopping cart abandonment is all to present in the modern eCommerce world, but incentivizing people to put the products in their carts in the first place, that is truly a cumbersome challenge. Implement these solutions, and you will have no problem getting people to fill out their carts as soon as they land on your product page

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