
Jenna Devinney
Jenna Devinney 9 November 2018

Not Your Mom's Data Appends

In the past some marketers have had a bad taste in their mouth in regards to data appends. Many have simply avoided it and sought other ways of receiving data, many of which aren’t necessarily good for business. What do you think?

But the past is the past, and we live in a time where technology is growing and evolving everyday - and modern data appending isn’t exactly what you might think. It’s time to move past our fears, adjust our thinking, and start appending our data with Webbula insightData. 

But first, if you are unaware of what data appending is, let’s get you caught up.

Data Appending is the process of filling in the missing pieces of your data, completing the puzzle you’ve already started. As long as you have some sort of information such as an email, phone number, or name, we can often fill in whatever might be missing whether that be additional contact information, demographics, interests, etc. Revealing the complete customer picture by essentially obtaining data that might otherwise have been lost or not initially acquired. 

Forward Appends means you already have a name and address on file of an individual and you are seeking more information such as a phone number, email, demographics, interests, or vehicle information.

Reverse Appends is when you have one field of contact data (usually email or phone) and use it to append  other data that can be tied to that email or phone. 

Data appending has come along way since your mother’s old fashion style. It’s time to get the bad reputation out of your minds, because Webbula insightData Appending can help you grow your business today. 

Every month about 3% of customer data becomes obsolete due to changing conditions. Customers are moving, getting married, changing names, and passing away. Whatever the reason, this fact is why marketers are always in need of updated and accurate customer contact information. We can even add new information to existing data, like interests/hobbies, auto ownership, statuses, shopping tastes, and more.  They can either obtain this information by searching for sufficient data or purchasing new data. These options can lead to time lost, money wasted, and absolutely no guarantee that the information they have purchased is real or full of hidden threats. Data Appends is the best solution for marketers who need to fill in the missing or outdated information in their existing data lists. As incredible as data appending can be, many marketers are still hesitant to take full advantage, all of which comes down to a question of quality.

Why Marketers have a Bad Aura about Data Appends

Marketers would often find that data providers gave them crappy, inaccurate, or even worse - falsely represented the data that was appended.

This occured for a few reasons:

1) Lack of interest: Some data providers can’t see the big picture and think short term. While they can get more volume at the sake of quality in the short run, it hurts repeat business and damages their reputation in the long run.

2) Lack of ability: Some data providers don't have the technology, talent, and time to invest in Data Quality tools. Which means if they want to evaluate their data they need to hire someone like Webbula which costs them money - money that they might not want to spend. 

3) Lack of Insight: Most data providers usually don't vet their providers very well or often lack the tools to vet the quality of the data that they are aggregating.  Specifically many times they are buying bulk household data points and then reselling them as individual level data points.

Best Practices

Appending your data will help freshen up your lists with updated and accurate information like name, phone number, email address, mailing address, as well as information such as - interests, hobbies, financials, automotive, political, and other specific data. Data Appends and Reverse Data Appends can help you communicate with your audience more smoothly. It can also do a lot more….

  • Add missing information ranging from names, phone numbers, email addresses, to interests and hobbies.
  • Give you a better understanding of your customers and prospects with more complete information at your fingertips.
  • Boost your response rate by eliminating emails to invalid or outdated addresses.
  • Keep your data clean which can help increase deliverability and avoid landing in spam folders.
  • Give you options for segmented and personalized marketing and communications based on enhanced data.

Why Webbula InsightData Append?

Webbula insightData Append is sourced from a wide variety of surveys taken directly from the very audiences you want to reach. This approach means that our data is self-reported directly from the individual and deterministic, which makes Webbula’s insightData the perfect source for appending.  Additionally, all data points are individually-linked - which means we’re able to build audiences and profiles that are incredibly confident and accurate because we do not reach to the household level simply for the sake of scale.

In addition, Webbula insightData is being constantly updated and certified with our industry-leading cloudHygiene that ensures accuracy and mitigates potential fraud, creating a truth-set that is unparalleled. Because of the strength of our dataVault we are able to cross-reference against a greater variety of fields that often go back in time over a decade. At Webbula our passion is truth in data and we strive for the utmost quality, always choosing it above quantity. That is why when it comes to appending your existing data there is simply no other option that compares to Webbula insightData. 

To learn more check out 

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