
Jeff Jones
Jeff Jones 4 December 2018

Increasing On-Site Time With Embedded Stories

Visualization is a critical part of every website user experience. Visualization increases the speed of comprehension and this is because it lets people see beyond the huge amounts of content and data. Following Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook, Google is also in the business of the stories for web.

There is a reason why YouTube has grown tremendously over the last decade. That reason is video streaming. The platform charmed the millennia ls with juicy videos which on top of being informative, they are highly entertaining. Other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram borrowed a leaf from their big brother and incorporated video sharing in their portfolio. The outcome of that move was increased subscriptions, increased user retention, and definitely an increased revenue.

If video stories are working for the big boys in the marketing industry, it definitely will work for you. Here is how to use stories for the web.

Benefits of Embedding Video Stories on Your Websites

- It Is A Sure Way Of Gaining Trust From Your Guests

People find it hard to trust faceless people online. The more they know you, the more they understand your personality, the more they will trust you. Which is a better way of opening up to people and allowing them to know you deeper than embedding a video of you on your website? You can embed a video of you or your staff members interacting with customers or explaining issues regarding the services or products that you offer. That’s a powerful gesture that will earn all the trust that you need to win over new clients.

- You Communicate More Using Videos

If you compare the amount of time you use to send a message through text or pictures and the time you use to communicate the same message via video, you will realize that video time is shorter. You can, for example, explain a one-page piece of content within a minute. Online users do not have too much time to spend on adverts so you need to make it as short as it can get. A video does exactly that. Additionally, people tend to concentrate more on visual content than on text. That means that if your video is interesting enough, your target customers will get the entire message therein. Moreover, recently Google has launched the AMP stories which are short videos, moving images or slideshow texts which are placed on search engine result pages. 

- Catchy Videos Prolong People’s Dwell Time

Statistics show that embedded videos attract visitors to your website more than text and pictures do, and charms them to hang out there for 60% more minutes. Dwell time is one of the factors that Google’s ranking algorithms use to determine how useful a website is to its searchers. This means that having video stories on your website will boost your SEO rankings.
How to Get the Most from Embedded Stories

When you decide to integrate videos into your business, you need to do it right if you want to fully benefit from it. What does statistics teach us about video marketing?

• The shorter the video, the higher its retention rate will be. A 60 seconds video, for example, engages more than 80% of the visitors for the entire length. A 3 minutes video has a dwell time of about 60% while 10 minutes long story retains only about half of its viewers. Bottom line: You need to embed as short videos as possible to your website for optimal results.

• Most people concentrate up to halfway through an embedded video, no matter how long or short it could be. To get the most out of your story, therefore, ensure that you engage and communicate with the visitor within the first half of your video.

• Of 10 people who watch a video on your site, 8 of them will remember it for more than 30 days. Three of those will inquire more about your products or services, and about 2 of them will buy from you. That’s one video. Now think of how many new clients you stand to gain if you post multiple high-quality videos. The takeaway point here is that you need to work on both quality and quantity to benefit maximally from video marketing.

• Where on your website do you embed videos? Statistics have proven that landing pages are the best to post a video on because they lead to an almost 800% conversion rate. The homepage and blog pages also attract a fair number of new clients. Bottom line: Embed videos on any page within your site, but pay a little more attention to the landing, home, and blog pages.

Embedded stories, without a doubt, bring your website to life. However, if you need help building your stories, you can always outsource from Europe. It is healthy to share your stories with your prospective customers, cultivate trust, and win them over to your brand. 

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