
Matthew Smart
Matthew Smart 29 March 2018

Introducing Chatbase, Google’s Chatbot Analytics Platform!

If you were paying attention at Google I/O earlier this year, you undoubtedly remember Chatbase, Google’s very own and brand new chatbot analytics platform. Finally, an analytics platform made just for chatbots, am I right? Well, crack open the bubbly because it is officially open to the public!

Chatbase and All You Need to Know About It

Long story short, Chatbase is a cloud service that provides tools that allow you to get to the nitty gritty of your chatbot’s analytics; it allows you to easily analyze and optimize it for more conversions, increased accuracy, and an overall better user experience. It’s free to use, easily integrates with any bot platform, and works with any type of bot, whether voice or text. For example, you’ll be able to use it with Alexa, Cortana, Allo, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, WhatsApp, and a lot more.

At this point you may be asking yourself how Chatbase can help you increase conversions and improve accuracy. It actually uses Google’s machine learning capabilities — and we all know how many advancements they’ve made in the AI field — to automate the identification of recurring problems that would otherwise take a long time to diagnose.

Sure, it sounds good and all, but are companies actually using it? Indeed they are, in fact, among its early adopters are HBO, Ticketmaster, UNICEF, Keller Williams Realty International, Viber, and a slew of other organizations who saw the advantage of optimizing their chatbots. Narrowing on Viber, a cross-platform messaging platform operated by Rakuten, this is what Itamar Mula, their Global Developer Relations Manager had to say:

Chatbase gives us powerful analytics capabilities for our bots. We increased query volume per user by 35% for a popular stickers bot by optimizing queries with high exit rates. After a quick integration process, the Chatbase platform delivered detailed reports that allowed us to optimize our bots easily, saving us crucial time.

How Can Chatbase Help Me?

That being said, let’s take a closer look at how Chatbase can help improve your user’s experience when they interact with your chatbot.

Understand You Bot’s Health Across Chat Platforms

With baseline analytics that are updated a couple of times per hour, you can get an accurate and up-to-date view into your bot’s overall health — its active users (monthly, weekly, daily), sessions (daily, daily per user, session time per user, messages per session), and retentions. You can also compare your metrics across chat platforms and optimize the ones that aren’t performing up to your standards.

Optimize Bots Faster via Machine Learning

As we covered, Google’s machine learning is what allows Chatbase to optimize bots as fast as it does. How does it do this? By replacing the drawn out process of combing through logs to find problems with a feature that clusters user messages that aren’t handled well, identifying opportunities to answer more requests, and offering paths to easy optimization.

Get Deeper (and Visual) Insights into User Interactions

And of course, you want to know how to use Chatbase to improve your conversions. For this, you first have to know how your users want to interact with your bot. Chatbase facilitates this by auto-generating a data visualization of conversion flow across sessions so you can know the exact path your users are taking, and where most of them are exiting. Once you have this information, optimize away and get ready for the conversions to pour in.

Want to Get Started with Chatbase? Here’s How

Now that your Chatbase appetite has been whetted, it’s time to discuss how you can join in on the fun. As it’s completely free, all you have to do is sign in with your Google account and get tracking! Simple, right? One more thing, make sure to check out their Quickstart guide to learn more about what you can do and how!

Let’s Look at the Features One More Time

Chatbase’s features are so good that they deserve a second mention (we may even cover some new ones) before we close off for the day:

  • Cluster poorly-handled messages: The Messages report groups user comments your bot isn’t handling well — this is excellent for optimization purposes
  • Visualize interaction flow: The Session Flow report shows a comprehensive view of sessions, including user paths and exit points
  • Analyze Retention: The Cohorts report uses acquisition data and user intent to give you a better understanding of user retention
  • Track Conversions: The Funnels report shows you the steps your users take to convert and the success rate for each step
  • Explore client Conversations (COMING SOON!): The Transcripts report gives you insights into your chatbot’s conversations to help you optimize faster

And… that’s it! That’s all you you need to know about Chatbase to not only fall in love with it, but also start using it right away. So, what are you waiting for? Go and get started!

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