The sales funnels have a logical flow — they start with generating awareness for your brand and problems it solves, captures the interest of those users searching for a solution to such a problem, attentively guides the lead to a purchasing decision, and arrives in the final stage of taking action and buying.
To each of these stages you have to assign corresponding messages, that are buyer centric:
The question is: which is the awareness level of my prospect?
This stage is the first contact point, you have to present your business, your mission and your offer. You need to inform the users that you exist.
Most often this happens when:
- Traffic is redirected to your site from an advertising campaign
- Backlinks link to your site
- Your business is mentioned on a video, webinar or podcast
- Word of mouth is spreading – happy clients make advocacy for your business
- Search engines pop your business within organic search
The essential is that awareness emerges when your activity appears in front of potential leads in places where they spend time.
On his side the customer may find himself in, so called various stages of awareness, depending on the acknowledgement he has on his problem, existing solutions and the role of your brand.
The famous copywriter Eugene Schwartz pinpointed several stages of awareness:
Not aware: the user doesn’t consider he has a problem, nor is looking for a solution and knows nothing about your brand
Problem aware: the user suspects he has an issue, but no clue about a possible solution
Solution aware: the user knows his purpose, but does not know your brand can be a solution.
Product aware: the user is familiar with your business and brand, knows that you can offer a solution, but hasn’t decided that your product is his best option. User is considering various options.
Most aware: the user had decided in favor of your product and just needs to take action and buy.
How long is the sales funnel and how much you have to work to convince the potential client, depends highly on which level of the above spectrum he is. This refers to individual parts of the buyers’ journey and also to the whole funnel.
If the client is the “totally unaware” position of course the sales funnel will be longer and more convincing elements will be needed. The best case, from sales point of view, is the most aware position when the prospect is prepared to become paying client.
Depicting where the potential client is on his journey, will help you identify elements that the client responds favorably to and moves him a step further in the funnel.
From the very beginning is vital to know exactly (research is important) which are the pain points and desires of your audience.
At this point you have to indicate how your solution is a benefit for clients from various perspectives. Potential customers are in different stages of the sales funnel and a multi direction approach can help generate more qualified leads.
You have to show a potential client which is the value you deliver and how are you going to do it. You need to put in front something that clients value, not what you consider they judge as valuable.