
Susan Saurel
Susan Saurel 4 September 2018
Categories Content, Social Media

10 Don'ts In Content Promotion: What NOT To Share On Social Media

Social media is a huge part of nowadays people life. It refers not only to social life but it has already an essential influence on business, political life, and other bigger things. However, how do people reach the popularity of their social media? The answer isn't so plain, because we all know what we should do to make it popular, but what we should NOT do to sink your opportunity. Let's find out!

10 Don'ts in Content Promotion: What You Should Share Through Your Social Media

Nowadays, we're all focused on social media. A huge chunk of the information people acquire from social media comes from businesses spreading their brand awareness by using social media for their content marketing. With 2.34 billion active users on social media, it’s as big as it can be. And it’s increasing at a very impressive rate.

If you plan to practice this marketing method, then you must know how to do it properly. More importantly, you should know what mistakes to avoid, so that you don't end up failing at content promotion. Let’s take a look at the "don'ts" when it comes to sharing content on social media.

Don't: Share too much information

With social media, it's never a good idea to share too much information. Also, you shouldn't keep pestering followers to retweet or like your posts. Instead, it's better for you to come up with creative, interesting, and share-worthy posts in a way that would leave your audiences wanting to know more.

This applies irrespective of what your brand or business is, whether you're promoting low-priced plastic toys or an expensive brand of luxury clothes or shoes. Sharing just the right amount of information will help you earn more followers and spread your brand awareness more effectively.

Don't: Ignore the basic rules of writing

When you make a lot of mistakes with spellings and grammar, this may decrease your credibility. Therefore, it's best to proofread your content first before posting it on any social media site. Also, it's not a good idea to post content written in CAPS as this may seem unattractive to some people. This makes the post visually abrupt, and it may even seem like you're not happy with your topic.

Another thing to avoid when writing is excessively using #hashtags. Using such in all of your sentences can be very irritating to readers. This may also make your text harder to understand so try not to use #hashtags too much.

If you are not an expert on writing tasks, it’s better to hire an editor or a proofreader, or you can order a writing content on some cheap essay writing services

Don't: Advertise the social media feed of your brand exclusively

This doesn't mean that you should completely rule out promoting your brand. But the trend nowadays shows that people are more inclined to try brands which have informative, interesting, diverse, and, responsive social media feeds. When it comes to brand promotion, there are three essential things your content must have.

They should engage, provide new learning, and listen to the needs and interests of your readers. Aside from throwing in a few promotional posts once in a while, make sure your feed also focuses on listening to the concerns of your clients. This will give you a better idea of how you can improve your brand and gain loyal followers.

Don't: Rely too much on automation

Although there are applications and programs which can automate your blog's content posting, you shouldn't depend on these entirely. The reason for this is that it "dehumanizes" your social media feed by eliminating your effort. In doing this, you lose the experience of personally engaging with others which, in turn, might put off some of your followers.

The key to successfully promoting the content of your blog through social media is to get a good interaction and engagement with the audience you're targeting. Building genuine relationships, interest, and trust is a huge part of the content promotion so try not to take out these factors.

Don't: Rely too much on social media either

Okay, this point might make you a bit confused but stay with us on this. When we say that you shouldn't rely too much on social media, it's more of not believing everything you read on it. This means that before you post content, make sure to cross-check the source of the information you share for its authenticity first.

Also, don't spend all your time on social media networks. It's also important to spend time doing other relevant tasks such as developing productive relationships with people in the "real world." This will help you expand your audience both offline and online.

Don't: Spam the feeds of your followers

Nobody wants to deal with spam. That's why you should never spam your audiences or followers by posting the same information over and over again, especially if it's not necessary. Doing this might push your followers to unsubscribe or unfollow your feed so that they don't have to keep getting your irrelevant posts and updates. Spam filters hurt your e-mail open rate and your efforts go waste.

Don't: Post or update too frequently

It's essential to stay active when promoting content on various social media platforms. This doesn't mean that you should post or update too frequently. For instance, posting about 2-3 times per day on Facebook might be too much for your followers. The same thing goes for Twitter, Instagram, and the other popular social media platforms.

When you keep on posting, your audience might lose interest in what you're promoting. In terms of "liking" posts, leave this to your followers and targeted audiences. Never like your own posts and updates as this would make you seem unethical or even pitiful.

Don't: Forget to assess all the strategies you use on social media

Set regular schedules for assessing the success of your promotions and campaigns on various social media platforms. It's even better if you set some goals and ways to measure them, so you know whether you're doing well or not.

If you find that any of your strategies aren't working, change them. Even if you see that you're doing well, you should still come up with new and innovative approaches to content promotion to keep yourself in the top ranks.

Don't: Use media or language that's inappropriate or irrelevant

We don't have to tell you that foul or offensive language should never appear on your content. Aside from this, you should also be careful of what you post and where you post. Keep in mind that not all types of social media sites would suit your business needs or the audience you're targeting.

For instance, if you have a clothing line business which you want to promote, it would be better for you to promote on Facebook or Instagram than on a site like LinkedIn. Focus more on the quality of your promotion and not just on the quantity.

Don't: Stay in your comfort zone

Finally, it's never a good idea to stay in your comfort zone. Sure, you're doing well now, but if you don't make changes to keep up with the times, you might not enjoy that success for very long. Keep on innovating and thinking of new ways to keep your audiences engaged so that they'll always come back for more.

Final thoughts

As you can see, there are several mistakes you may commit when promoting content. The good news is that you're now aware of these errors and you can avoid them better. By doing this, you will be able to promote your brand effectively by coming up with the best, most interesting content to keep your followers engaged and loyal. Good luck!

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