
peter john
peter john 8 August 2018
Categories Ecommerce

Online food delivery start up business trends

So, how do you as a restaurant owner benefit from these recent food ordering trends?  The number of food orders made with online food ordering system is reaching new heights with great demand. Keeping this in mind, we wrote this article to help you to do great business as restaurant business owner

Online food delivery start up business trends

Recent market survey conducted in US has proved that home cooked meal is a luxury. Yes the study stated that 82 % of total food orders are made from home only and 16% orders made from workplace. This may be a surprising fact for you, but this is the current scenario in “Restaurant online ordering system” happening globally.

So, how do you as a restaurant owner benefit from these recent food ordering trends?  The number of food orders made with online food ordering system is reaching new heights with great demand. Keeping this in mind, we wrote this article to help you to do great business as restaurant business owner.

Online orders v/s phone orders

 Where do you think most of the orders are getting placed? With no second thought, it’s from online. Every online food ordering system gets most orders from mobile app and online only. It’s very easy for users to use their mobile and open your app and find their favorite restaurants and place orders. It’s so simple than talking to person over phone and ordering your food. This online food orders will grow over time. Don’t underestimate the value of this online order count and utilize it for running successful online food delivery business.

Timely food delivery on orders

Most of the restaurants order free delivery at doorsteps. Restaurant ordering system offering free delivery will see great hike in orders when compared to similar business that doesn’t offer this facility.

Social media ordering

This is yet another current trend of online food ordering system that you should be aware of. Consider ordering food through your social media account and let your followers know live the orders your customer place. Social media ordering is next big thing in revolutionizing online food ordering system.

Robot delivery

This is going to be the ultimate future of online food ordering industry in near future. Food delivered by robots using GPS location might become an interesting take on traditional food delivery system. Imagine you have ordered food through your mobile app and your phone AI notifies you with delivery process and time to receive the order. This interesting feature might be the future of advanced online food ordering system. 

As a restaurant business owner, you have lots of new opportunities if you are ready to follow the online food ordering trends. To develop your own online food ordering system, contact our technical team to discuss further.

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