Four Ways Businesses Should Use Reviews [INFOGRAPHIC]
Our infographic shows you exactly why reviews are important to any business, how you can start using them today, and how reviews help you become authentic, trusted, and stand out among your competition.
Marketing and advertising is an ever-shifting industry and is often the first to react to new consumer trends, behaviors, and perspectives. However, recently, the industry is finding itself struggling with a new challenge: marketing itself. Our infographic shows you exactly why reviews are important to any business, how you can start using them today, and how reviews help you become authentic, trusted, and stand out among your competition. For more information, read our white paper on the Four Ways Reviews Amplify Your Marketing to learn exactly how Trustpilot can help you collect and use reviews or check out our infographic below to learn more about how businesses can use reviews.
Consumers are losing trust in marketing and advertising. Traditional forms of marketing and advertising have lost their effectiveness and global click-through rates of ads across all formats and placements are at a dismal 0.05%, which amounts to 5 clicks per 10,000 impressions.
Companies have been forced to find other ways of connecting with consumers and audiences. Successful companies, adapting to this challenge, have found success with customer reviews.
Reviews are more important for businesses and consumers now more than ever. With so many brands, products, services, tweets, posts, ads all vying for consumer attention, reviews provide an honest account of a company. Brand differentiation is necessary in an online market where consumers are exposed to hundreds and thousands of companies offering the same product or service. Consumers are increasingly using reviews before making any purchase decision.
Companies are finding the most success with reviews by proactively reaching out to customers to collect reviews, using reviews to increase their traffic via SEO, integrating them as part of an advocacy marketing strategy, and learning from them to improve their customer experience.
Check out our infographic below or click on the direct link to see it.

Note: This article was previously published by Trustpilot on