
Brad Chuck
Brad Chuck 30 June 2017

GDPR - What this means to Marketing

Confused or simply do not care about GDPR? Good, no need to read on then...unless you work in data and marketing of course

General Data Protection Regulation – What is it all about?

Mention GDPR to a marketing person and you will notice their eyes retracting into the sky and their hands slumping over their face.  Mention GDPR to anyone else and you get that quizzical look with the lip licking actions as they consider the meaning….Great Days Perceived Regularly?

Mindful of any legal ramifications and careful to consider best practise, let Academia guide you through…

What is GDPR?

GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation - is a regulation by which the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission intend to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).  In essence, the idea is to give back personal data to consumers and to make it much harder for business to obtain your personal data details

Why is GDPR needed?

Current Laws are outdated regarding personal data and have been flouted and taken advantage of – change is needed in an ever emerging digital world to combat personal data usage that can be sold and used in a variety of ways to garner your business


Those in marketing are worried as it is your data that helps run and maintain healthy marketing and advertising campaigns – how else do you think you get sent spam letters and emails offering you the world on a stick?

I see, but this is an EU regulation – what about Brexit?

The UK Government, whoever that may be, will follow through with stringent GDPR laws to maintain a healthy pro-European relationship even after Brexit.  Those selling to consumers outside of the UK will hope government supports them

What do I need to do?

If you work in marketing and are responsible for the growth and development of your business in a digital first environment you need to take heed and start thinking about the next couple of years – your business must comply with the new laws or you face a fine.  For the rest of us, get ready for less post and more knocks on the door.

Anything else I need to know?

Sure, there is a handy guide commissioned by the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) that outline the 12 steps of GDPR that a business will do well to adhere too in preparation -

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