
Eila Martell
Eila Martell 2 March 2017
Categories Technology

Social Media Mistakes Harmful To Your Brand

Social media has great potential for all businesses looking to increase their reach. However, there are some social media mistakes which can spoil the reputation of your business.

With the growing popularity of social media, nowadays, many people judge you by seeing your social media presence. Thus, it is crucial to manage the social media presence in an effective way consistently. Hence, there is no exaggeration in saying that social media has great potential for all those businesses which are looking forward to increase their reach. However, there are some social media mistakes which entrepreneurs make that can spoil the reputation of your business to a great extent.

Common Mistakes on Social Media

Stealing content without giving credit to the original writer

If you downloading videos, memes and using any post without asking for permission or in other words, without giving proper credit then you need to stop as this can lead you into a dangerous legal condition.

Excess use of hashtagging

If you are looking forward to hashtag a post, then you should use it to a limit because too much of it can look spammy. In addition, you should use hashtag on platforms that gives immense support to the use of searching by using such symbol.

Sharing video links only on facebook

If you are overlooking the power of Facebook video content, then you are doing the biggest mistake. This is because Facebook users engage with video at a much higher rate in comparison to video link shares and photo posts. This is also the most common social media mistake.

No availability of social media sharing buttons

There are many business owners who don’t incorporate buttons neither on their blog nor on their webpage and this way you are not giving any options to quickly share pages back to social media. By doing so, you are missing out the chance to increase social traffic. So, add one right now without wasting any more time.

Not showing blog content on social media

There is no denying that all the articles of your website should be there on your social media accounts so as to save yourself from committing a mistake. This clearly means that you should share your blog content on social, giving your viewers a strong reason to visit your website.

Spending ad dollar without any plan

Many business owners blindly spend ad dollars with the motive to growth hack the system. It is believed that facebook marketing is cheap but this doesn’t mean that you need to shoot off boosted posts to increase customer engagement. In fact, there is a need to have a business strategy for spending social media ad dollars. In simple words, have a clear understanding of your goals, target market and then track the results of all your ads.

Promoting products regularly

It is believed that social media is about building trust that will lead to sales. Hence, you should not use the platform as a billboard. However, you should post high engaging content 80 percent of time and promotion should not be done more than 20 percent of the time.

In conclusion, if you want to ensure success, you have to avoid all the aforesaid social media mistakes. Use the resource wisely and respond to your followers in a highly professional way. You can’t just let all your hard work go to waste. So, get rid of all these mistakes without wasting your time.

This Article is originally published here.

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