
Deon Christie
Deon Christie 27 September 2016

The 5 Steps To A Champion Blog

In my opinion there are 5 crucial steps to creating and launching a Champion Blog, as a Professional writer. And it’s basically not all that complicated, but it is extremely time consuming and precisely why there is such a tiny margin of success.

A measly 3 – 5% of all Affiliate Marketers actually succeed to generate life changing kind of money online, and the primary reason is not being an internet guru. Quite the contrary because these guys just refused to give up, which resulted in sacrificing the right amount of time needed to succeed.

The “How Long” it takes to make money online depends on only one person, yourself. Your level of dedication ultimately determine your level of success. So that said let’s take a look at those 5 steps, shall we? 

Niche, Keywords, Product, Hosting, and Content in that order is a good way to start;

Niche – Now this one is where many newbies lose track, or rather overlook this crucial step by being misdirected. Your Niche is the most important part of your online efforts, and it’s one of the best ways to get recognized as a Professional. And it’s basically anything you love doing, actually it should preferably be something you love doing. This is how it will make it a lot easier when you get to content creation and product knowledge.

This is an extremely option packed exercise, and you must give it much thought. Think of that One Thing you have some experience with. Regardless how little you consider your experience to be, somewhere there is and someone that is struggling to do something you already did. Now this is not a choice anyone else can make for you, and you must take your time deciding.

Allow me to demonstrate. Back when I got started, this was exactly where I went wrong. And amid all the warnings from professionals and advice, I too was chasing that button that turns your PC into an ATM. It’s frustrating how long it takes to realize, and accept the fact that it is not going to happen. I should’ve started with Blogging and S.E.O back then, but it all seemed way too technical at the time, when in fact it really isn’t all that complicated. I chose the marketing niche, because the logic behind the method of making money online fascinates me. This same fascination drives me to endless research, and loving content creation.

To my surprise I found that all those failures and nights of research had me build an arsenal of knowledge within my niche “Online Marketing”. The Blogging and S.E.O fits in perfectly because it is the most common need within the Niche, which is Traffic. And Nothing on Earth drives volume and quality like Search Engine Optimization. Which is why a Blog is the better choice because Google loves Fresh Content.

See how this all fit together? Discover that One Thing inside you that drives you and pursue it, that thing that fascinates you.

Keywords – Now that you have established your direction, you are ready to start that journey to where there is no final destination. Determine which keywords would best describe your niche, and check search volumes and competition on those keywords. If you’re going to start a Blog, then try to keep your competition low. On the “Tools I Use” page you will have access to all these free tools and how to use them. 

When you know the search volumes, then you can use these keywords or rather should use these keywords throughout your content creation and design. Your Keyword and/or Keyword Phrases must make up part of your domain name, site title and description.images-300x143.jpg

This is how you basically get your Blog to actually Rank in Google, because it places your Google Rating in a supreme bracket. There are three different kinds of keyword research categories, Short Tail, Long Tail and Keyword Phrases or Anchor text.

This is just the basic ideas around keywords and to best understand the placement of these, just consider the following;

Short Tail Keywords can be used in your Domain name but try to keep it as short and to the point as possible. Single keywords used in a combination works well but try to keep it down to a maximum of three combined keywords to make up a Domain. You have Long Tail keywords which is normally two or three keywords like “Online Marketing” for instance. Long tail keywords should be used in your Site Title and H1 heading. Anchor Text should be used in your H2 headings and even post titles. Now anchor text is like a search phrase, something like “How to Do Online Marketing”.

Anchor Text is a good example of the difference between targeted visitors, and Laser targeted Visitors. When an anchor text is entered into a browser for a search, it is most likely a person ready to purchase something specific they are looking for. This is the basic tactic behind driving Buyer Traffic.

Product – Now you have your Niche, researched some keywords and you know exactly where you’re going. It comes highly recommended to bookmark and create folders for all your online tools and content. Place everything in folders because you must crate order from the word “Go!” Now there are various ways of doing product research, 

Identify a common need within your niche, and search for products that will be a suitable solution. Remember, it’s all about identifying a need and offering a solution. You need to choose a product that you want to personally use as an affiliate marketer, and actually purchase and test that product. Be sure that the product offer what professionals call a “Back Door”, kind of like a safety net for your visitor in the form of a Full Money back Guarantee.make-money-online-now-300x200-(1).jpg

With affiliate marketing you must focus on Digital Products like Systems, Software and E Books. When it is Software or a System you choose, then test it to its full potential and do not give up half way through. You Need the Product knowledge before you start your Blog. In the event of you choosing an E Book, then read the entire E Book but more importantly understand the Content and the system for that matter.

Hosting – My Hosting suggestion, I must admit it to be my personal favorite method but I also know its simplicity and authenticity. Choosing a hosting platform like Blue Host allows you the option of installing WordPress as your Blog Builder. This also allows you to add plugins and things like favicons which will boost your Google Rating tremendously. We’re talking Google Ratings of 85% and Up on A Brand New Blog. 

Now you have to walk through your Domain Setup, do not rush this and use your keywords wisely when selecting. You may have to shuffle and change keywords repeatedly before a domain might be available. Just keep going but make the right choice because your Domain is where it all starts with Search Engine Optimization.

Content – This is why you actually have to test the Product or Products you wish to promote through your Blog as an Affiliate Marketer. There is no better converting content than fresh, relevant and useful content. 

Creating content involves Article Writing, Social Bookmarking, EBooks, and even publishing. Content is also responsible for engaging Social networking posts. And also for all this, you can access all the tools you need from this Blog’s “Tools I Use” page.

Write your content with the same fascination that fuels your dream, write because you love writing and sharing information and not because you’re trying to generate a sale.

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