10 Tips for Structuring URLs To Fit for SEO
This is a guide that is composed of top tips for structuring URLs according to SEO needs. This post is followed by a colourful infographic that will help you to understand this easily.
The search engine optimization of a website is not only limited to the addition of keywords in the URLs because it is the whole structure that matters. A well structured link address does not only assure higher search engine exposure but also allows the users to grab the information within the URL.
The retailers and merchants are now required to incorporate user friendliness in the link structures as well. It requires them to replace the auto-generated IDs, numbers and special characters with real words. The purpose of this is to convey a meaning through a web address. For your help, we have compiled some of the useful tips for improving the URL structure in the info-graphics. You can review them one by one and apply them accordingly.
A human readable URL performs better
The ultimate goal of your online presence is to communicate your business name or products to the end consumers. Previously, most of the SEO practices were adopted to deceive the search engine robots for higher rankings that’s why the human readability was neglected at all, whereas the search engines are now focusing user friendliness in web pages.
You can enhance readability of the URLs by removing the auto-generated IDs, numbers and special characters, and adding meaningful phrases or words at the end of the domain. For example, in PrestaShop, a default URL structure of a product page seems to be
whereas, if you turn on the SEO friendly URL option, it will appear like
This URL structure is quite acceptable, whereas to beautify the link further, you need to remove the product code i.e. 33. So, an ideal link structure can be
If the product name comprises a phrase, then hyphens and underscores are recommended for separating the words. For example, adding /sleeping-suits/ to the URL is easier to read rather than /sleepingsuits/ in a URL.
SEO friendly URLs get higher exposure
Previously, when you have to pursue higher rankings in search engines, you were required to understand how search bots read and scan a website that’s why the user experience was entirely ignored. But, search engines now, are programmed to evaluate user friendliness, readability and convenience in browsing and visiting a store.
Nowadays, the effort to gain customers’ trust is on the rise that directly correlates with website rankings. Any activity you initiate to enhance the user experience is counted to the rank elevation in search result pages. Furthermore, there are some tips that relate specifically to the SEO friendly URLs.
A quick tip is to remove stops words like and, a, the, of, etc from the URL regardless of its use in the title. For advanced tips and tricks, you can refer to the infographic compiled by FMM Team.