As a small business owner or marketer you know you’ve spent large amounts of time devising the perfect social media posts for your company. The copy and imagery must come together to be posted across various platforms at just the right time. However, once executed the disappointment of seeing lower than expected engagement can be a head scratcher -- What went wrong? Do our fans not like our content? Where did we miss the mark? If you've found yourself in this situation, you're not alone. We’ve all been there. That’s why we’ve put together 3 reasons why your social media strategy might not be performing to its full potential:
Who are you talking to?
Truly understanding your ideal customer and their buyer persona will provide insight into their online behaviors and patterns. Furthermore, having an understanding of what drives them to take action based on a social post will help drive your strategy. Not everyone will be your customer, it's important to dial in the audience which could provide the most ROI.
Be Intentional.
We can't emphasis this one enough. Have plan for each week and month of the year. Each social media post, regardless of the platform, should be intentional while also remaining authentic. Plan each post with a clear goal and call-to-action in mind.
Be Creative.
We all know that our social media feeds move quickly. More importantly, our viewers will decided in 3 seconds if they like a post or decide to keep scrolling. Using powerful imagery which aligns with the brand will help followers recognize your content right away.
When it comes to social media don't underestimate the process of test, rinse and repeat. As time goes on, data will be collected and can be very telling in understanding when your followers are most active online, which imagery is catching the most attention and which tone of voice followers respond to the most.
Need assistance defining your social media strategy? Reach out to learn more about how we can jump start your social media plan.
The Team at Chipperfield Media LLC.
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