
Rohan Saxena
Rohan Saxena 30 November 2016
Categories B2B, B2C, Email & eCRM

Top 10 Advantages Of Phone Appending Services

Email targeting is one of the most widely used marketing methods that are used by business firms all over the world at the present moment. Unlike certain other forms of marketing that can produce variable results, email targeting has been found to yield positive results in most cases, making it a highly effective method to boost sales.

This marketing method also offers endless options of customization and can be implemented without much cost. In fact, email marketing is quite affordable and cheap and can be used by even startups or small business firms to enhance their sales and build a better future for the company.


To make sure that an email marketing program is able to achieve the desired results, it is necessary that the company has access to a reliable consumer email list that includes all the accurate information about the prospective customers that it is trying to appeal to. Marketing can also be further enhanced by making use of the phone numbers of the potential customers. Such vital information about email ids and phone numbers can be used for effective target oriented marketing which can produce the desired results rather easily. To achieve such goals, it is necessary for a business company to invest in email and phone append api services. 







By having the right kind of appending services in place, it is possible to create email marketing campaigns that can ensure greater number of sales conversions within a specific time period. This means that when a company has access to vital information about the customers like age, ethnicity, gender, income level, living situation, marital status, buying habits and various other criteria, then it is possible for the sales team to formulate effective email campaigns that appeal to the senses of the customers. This can naturally increase sales and allow a firm to enjoy greater financial returns within a specific period of time.

Here are some of the key advantages of email and phone appending services:  
•    Phone appending services can help a company in getting all the latest contact information of the customers that it wants to reach out to. 
•    It can offer several ways to implement multichannel marketing methods, like direct mail, email and telemarketing. 
•    Working with a verified US consumer email list can help in boosting the response rates and bringing down wastage caused by undeliverable mails. 
•    The reverse phone append services can greatly help a company to implement data cleaning tools. 
•    Append phone number api services can help in saving costs and time associated with planning and executing marketing campaigns. 
•    It allows a company to have a competitive advantage over other business firms.
•    Phone and email appending services have faster turnaround time when it comes to securing sales. 
•    Appending services also increase the overall data integrity of a company and help in maintaining and accurate customer database.
•    Unlike other marketing methods, this offers a practical and affordable way of securing sales.
•    Email and phone appending services make it easier to form customized marketing appeals.

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