5 Reasons Why Collaborative Cultures Work...
Collaboration basically means to work together, and right now our technology, workplace environments, and everything in between is becoming more focused on helping this type of work culture thrive.
But what have Fleetwood Mac got to do with that?!
Collaboration basically means to work together, and right now our technology, workplace environments, and everything in between is becoming more focused on helping this type of work culture thrive.
The topic of collaboration in the workplace is something that is all over the place and if your business doesn't have a particularly collaborative culture you might find yourself asking, "well, why should it?!"
Here are 5 things that might get you thinking...
1. Self-awareness
Nothing makes you truly reflect on an idea more than when you have to explain it to a group or another person. Collaboration challenges people to articulate and distill what they are great at and what they need to improve on. This can encourage people to ask for help when necessary and know when to help others. And all of this of course, produces better results!
2. Sharing
Problem-solving is more effective when you combine resources in talent and experience. Sharing knowledge and resource means you can broaden your reach to new markets. Don't forget, your business is part of a bigger picture, and that is powerful.
3. Creative breakdown
The skill with collaboration is to convert what comes from working with people who are different to you, into something special. Understanding differences and working together to identify what can be complementary about them is what creates brilliance.
4. Look at the bigger picture
For certain projects, collaboration doesn't work, no matter how hard you try, how patient you are, and how well you listen. But that doesn't mean you should stop trying. Keep that bigger picture in mind, it isn't always the group of people working on something that isn't right, it can be the something itself.
5. Education, education, education...
Collaboration encourages continued learning. When people collaborate with others they are encouraged to go beyond their comfort zone and grow. In turn, they can help stretch the boundaries of your company.
Now if that hasn't got you thinking, the random Fleetwood Mac pictures might have. As a group, they have had their fair share of ups and downs and they definitely don't always see eye to eye. But throughout it all, the combination of their individual talents, flair, and experience, has created something brilliant. Their music is timeless, and let's not forget...VERY profitable.
Don't be scared to let your employees collaborate, it won't work all the time and on every project but the likelihood is that you will see positive changes in their work.
For more articles on the benefits of workplace collaboration visit http://www.acs365.co.uk/the-acs-blog