What Can FMCG Brands Do To Drive Purchase Via Mobile?
It is clear that there is great potential for mobile to become a tremendously important engagement channel for FMCG. It is already influencing consumers’ purchase decisions – but needs to focus more on driving actual sales.
66% of adults own a smartphone and on average spend almost 2 hours online using it every day.
What Are FMCGs Currently Using Mobile For?
Many FMCG brands active on mobile are predominantly using the platform to deliver ads. This is missing a huge opportunity. Rather than thinking of mobiles as small screen televisions, brands should embrace the potential for interaction with their consumers.
Brands can now deliver compelling and engaging experiences, as well as a call to action, that result in consumers purchasing products at a nearby location. This is the potential for FMCGs and mobile.
What Should FMCG Brands Do?
* Most importantly, brands need to recognise the true potential of mobile and create plans that focus on potential consumers in or close to their ‘buying phase’. It is at this point that the mobile phone can be far more influential than any other platform – whether the consumer is ‘impulse’ shopping, or researching prior to a ‘planned’ shopping trip.
* Brands should ensure that their products are integrated into relevant apps (such as product discovery or shopping list apps) which incorporate geo targeting and highlight local retailers that stock their products.
* Brands should also give their consumers very clear opportunities to buy or try e.g. through cashback apps or through integration with loyalty schemes.
*Finally, brands should apply test & learn budgets to various mobile engagement executions to establish what works for their brand and their consumers.
Quotient Technology (formerly Coupons.com) has recently launched Shopmium in the UK, a mobile-first proposition that enables FMCG brands to win on mobile. For more information, contact me at [email protected].