How to Use Growth Hacking to Increase Publicity and Profit
This Article is explaining six top most effective tactics of growth hacking to gain publicity and to increase the number of followers. Growth hacking a newly coined term is gaining utmost popularity in the business circle for yielding more profit and leads. So, keep screening this article for more marketing schemes to gain more profit.
Growth hacking, a comparatively new concept in marketing, is actually nothing more than traditional marketing concept adapting itself in accordance with the digital platform. Over the years marketing strategies have already been defined, redefined and in the process have been metamorphosed into a modified form.
In the core, however, it’s all the same, ’lead generation’. Regardless of what you are trying to sale, the ultimate goal is to drive awareness and more demand for your product or service. There is actually no guide-book to follow when it comes to marketing, anything that drives awareness creates demand and accomplishing sales is marketing.
Growth hacking is slightly different from traditional marketing, and that is why some of us aren’t quite sure about it. So, how and why exactly it‘s different from traditional concept?
Why Growth hacking-
Although growth hacking is a redefined concept, but it includes many brand new strategies in cost-effective ways to boost your business. And it uses the most popular platform, digital platform. So, now you know the two most important features of growth hacking: cost effectiveness and capable of getting more attention.
Growth hacking hasn’t changed the ultimate goal of marketing per se. The main difference between these two concepts is that Growth Marketers don’t take the time to plan a marketing strategy. Instead, they keep trying different techniques just to see which one of them works best for your company. They don’t force-implement any marketing technique in your brand; they just multiply the smallest uniqueness of your brand and concentrate their all marketing plans to boost up that uniqueness. That’s something that brand of all size is really needed to stand out from the crowd.
Different Growth hacking techniques to promote your Brand
Referral Programs for Employees
Referral programs for existing employee are one of the indirect marketing strategies that you can adopt to promote your brand- name. By implementing any employee-focused program that rewards referrals, you will easily generate high-quality leads without investing in expensive marketing campaigns.
• Happy Customers to Happy Communicator:
Another growth hacking way to cut down the cost of your traditional marketing is to foster a group of brand advocators. And without appointing someone only for doing indirect promotion of your brand, you can use your existing happy customer base. As happy customers don’t need or even want compensation to tell your success stories and to do indirect promotion.
Encourage appointed advocates or your customers to leave online reviews, to share their great experiences with their peer group on the social network and obviously motivate them to become repeat customers. This kind of growth hacking technique can boost your sales-graph up to 74%.
This word of mouth strategy also includes connecting with influencers. Influencers are the loyal follower from industry. Find influencer who matches your company’s profile, try content marketer or paid digital media marketers.
• Focus on Customer Service:
Some business especially new business ventures forget that sales don’t end at earning profit. It’s followed by proper customer service. So, be open to face customer quarries, accusations with a positive and polite spin.
• Never neglect any customer’s comments and questions on your social media.
• Always provide timely servicing.
• Viral Content:
We all know ‘content is the king’. So, you can easily assume how important it can be. So, focus on creating such contents that likely to go viral. As the more viral your content gets the more it will attract new leads. Any video, post or content, you create should be remarkable, easy to share and must be in accordance with your industry.
• Marketing with High-Quality Content;
Content marketing is a long time strategy and it seems not to be a part of growth hacking marketing strategy. But high-quality content works as a hook to attach new customers. High-quality content strengthens your other marketing strategies. Contents can become an integral part of your growth hacking strategy, when used in a proper way, to target the proper demography.
• Hire a growth hacker:
So, now you know some hacks about growth hacking. We are assuring you these all will work if implemented properly. But they are lots of other hacking techniques, like digital media marketing, SEO marketing, email marketing etc, can only be done by a professional growth hacker. A hacker is the person who is a genius in computer coding and wizard in inventing unique marketing strategies for your brand. To do these, one need special skills, thus you need to take help from a professional growth hacker for successful implementation of brand new marketing hacks.
End Talk:
But while looking for a professional growth hacker, you must be very careful. As self –proclaimed growth hackers are littering different social media platform, just because they think it’s a cool by-name to attach. Search properly before your appoint one. As the growth hacker can either give you immense growth or he can be the dumbest decision you make for your brand. So appoint wisely.
MAGNE Consulting Pvt Ltd, a leading name in digital marketing industry, is well known for successful implementation of various growth hacking techniques.