Why Is 'Social Media Sampling' A Win-Win Scenario?
For manufacturers of FMCGs, product sampling has endured as a tried and tested method of introducing new products to customers and potential customers.
For manufacturers of FMCGs, product sampling has endured as a tried and tested method of introducing new products to customers and potential customers. There is a lot of ‘data’ confirming its effectiveness in terms of stimulating subsequent product purchase. It is no overstatement to say that the advent of Social Media literally changed the product sampling environment forever. Social Media made possible ‘Social Sampling’, whereby samples can be requested via an online route.
FMCG manufacturers must have danced a jig of delight when they realised that there was an alternative to the expensive train station-based sampling activity that they were used to. A project we recently executed with Malt Loaf maker, Soreen is a great example of how Social Sampling is a Win-Win scenario for both brands and consumers.
Campaign Objective
The primary objective of the campaign was to drive trial of three new flavours of Breakfast Bakes. The new flavours were Original Malt, Apple & Cinnamon and Fruity Five.
How Did Consumers Receive Their Sample?
For manufacturers of FMCGs, product sampling has endured as a tried and tested method of introducing new products to customers and potential customers. There is a lot of ‘data’ confirming its effectiveness in terms of stimulating subsequent product purchase. It is no overstatement to say that the advent of Social Media literally changed the product sampling environment forever. Social Media made possible ‘Social Sampling’, whereby samples can be requested via an online route.
FMCG manufacturers must have danced a jig of delight when they realised that there was an alternative to the expensive train station-based sampling activity that they were used to. A project we recently executed with Malt Loaf maker, Soreen is a great example of how Social Sampling is a Win-Win scenario for both brands and consumers.
Campaign Objective
The primary objective of the campaign was to drive trial of three new flavours of Breakfast Bakes. The new flavours were Original Malt, Apple & Cinnamon and Fruity Five.
How Did Consumers Receive Their Sample?
Facebook users were invited to visit the Soreen Facebook Page to discover the new Breakfast Bakes and try them for free by printing a digital coupon that they could redeem across multiple bricks and mortar stockists such as Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Asda on their next visit.
What are the Benefits of Social Sampling?
1. Cost Effective
Prior to claiming a sample there is an element of brand / media engagement that is different to being handed a sample as you walk past. This is a very low cost route compared to sampling teams and distribution at train stations or events. Consumers print off a coupon at home (or request a coupon is sent to them if they don’t have a printer) and then pick up their free sample on their next shopping trip
2. Ready- Made Audience
Your existing audience on Social, i.e. those that Like your page on Facebook or follow you on Twitter or Instagram will prove to be a ready made audience to drive trial of your new products or flavours. In addition, Social channels allow you to purchase highly targeted media.
3. Natural Word of Mouth & Advocacy
Than nature of “Social” lends itself to leveraging word of mouth very easily. Social Sampling enables fans of your brand to share your offer with their connections and if the offer is appealing with a strong call to action this will grow the audience for your trial exponentially.
4. Data Capture
Being digital, means that data capture and tracking is very easy, asking for an email address prior to issuing a coupon and then tracking that consumer’s use of the coupon right through to which store they redeemed it in, provides great insight as well as a great opportunity for brands to have a follow up conversation with consumers to encourage penetration and repeat.
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