
Eren Kocyigit
Eren Kocyigit 7 January 2016
Categories Mobile

Effects Of Mobile Marketing - The Purchase Stage

Mobile services can improve the consumer shopping experience at the purchase stage by making the product ordering, purchasing and payment more convenient.

This blog post is a part of a series "Effects of mobile marketing on consumer decision making process". You can read previous series blog posts using the links below:

1. Introduction to Effects of Mobile Marketing on Consumer Decision Making Process

2. Effects of Mobile Marketing on Need Recognition Stage

3. Effects of Mobile Marketing on Information Search Stage

4. Effects of Mobile Marketing on Alternative Evaluation Stage

After evaluating alternatives consumers give a final decision and purchase the product/service they decide. The purchase decision is already affected by previous decision making process stages but still marketers have the chance to have an impact on the consumers who are already at the purchase stage.

At this stage marketers should make their products available to their consumers and they should also be sure to make the purchase process easy and enjoyable for the consumer.

Like previous stages, at the purchase stage mobile technology plays an important role for marketers. For instance mobile services can improve the consumer shopping experience by making the product ordering, purchasing and payment more convenient. All of these improvements may help consumers to save time and money.

Importance of Mobile Technology At The Purchase Stage

When mobile devices are the issue regarding the payment stage we can talk about different usage of mobile devices such as purchasing via mobile app or mobile site, purchasing via mobile payment online, and purchasing via mobile payment at the offline store.

Marketers who use their consumers’ past behaviours have a better chance to have an impact at the purchase stage. That’s because most of the consumers move to the purchase stage by leaving traces such as conducting a search, adding a product to the basket and leaving it, commenting on a product page, etc...

Marketers who follow these traces and construct campaigns accordingly can achieve better results.

Purchase Stage Use Cases and Actionable Insights for Marketers

In the purchase stage a marketer’s job is to make their products available to their consumers and making the purchase process easy and enjoyable for the consumer.

At this stage;

1. Mobile Wallet (Mobile devices can be used as digital wallets; consumers can make the payment by transferring the funds electronically)

2. Location Based Campaigns (Consumers at the purchase stage can also be notified on the availability of a sales promotion on a near-by item)

3. Interactive Push Notifications (especially mobile app marketers might send interactive push notifications to the users at the purchase stage and get their payment immediately)

4. Triggered Campaigns (sending notifications to the customers who leave their basket without purchase) can be used to impact consumers’ decisions at this stage.

If you are interested in mobile marketing and the effects on consumer decision making stages; Download Our E-Book ’Effects of Mobile Marketing on Consumer Decision Making Process’

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