Fanpage And Twitter Trends UK October 2015 - Halloween And Music Dominating The Rankings
3rd edition of Fanpage Trends and the 1st edition of Twitter Trends - Comprehensive reports on the social media industry in the UK.
is proud to present the 3rd edition of Fanpage Trends UK and the 1st edition of Twitter Trends UK – the first comprehensive reports on the social media industry in the United Kingdom.
We analyzed reach, engagement, customer service, and content on two of the most popular social media channels – Facebook & Twitter – in 11 integral industries. What are the biggest UK Facebook Pages and Twitter profiles? Which of them is the most successful at engaging fans? And which of them published the most engaging post and the best tweet in October? Read the reports to stay up-to-date with the latest social media trends.
Both of the reports contain data for 11 different industries present on Facebook in the UK. These are: All UK Brands, Alcohol, Banks, IT/Electronics, Beverages, Beer, Politics, Retail, Cars, Sweets, & Telecommunication.
Fanpage Trends UK October 2015
October didn’t bring any significant changes on Facebook in the UK. When looking at the best posts of the month, we can see what excited Britons the most over the last 30 days. Tesco is the winner with their Halloween post, followed by Britain First and The Labour Party. Other great posts came from Asos with their posts about world vegetarian day and the England Rugby team, who apologized to their fans for losing the game with New Zealand during the Rugby World Cup.

Tesco scaring their customers in the spirit of Halloween.
In October, the England Football Team was the fastest growing Facebook Page and it gained over 111k new fans. Among the fastest growing Facebook Pages there were also Mercedes AMG Petronas, which is the biggest Facebook Page in the UK, and Jeremy Corbyn. Their number of fans increased by over 89k and 71k respectively. On the other hand the most engaging brands in the previous month were Tesco, which engaged over 27% of its fans, Britain First with 38% fans engaged, and that managed to encourage over 29% of its fans to like, share or comment on its posts.
Read the full Fanpage Trends UK October report
Twitter Trends UK October report
Sotrender now proudly presents the first edition of Twitter Trends UK. As the report states, Twitter in the UK is completely dominated by musicians, with Harry Styles having over 26m followers topping the ranking of the biggest profiles. In second is One Direction, with over 25,6m followers, while Adele is third with over 23,7m fans. Alongside this, it’s Adele who is the owner of the fastest growing Twitter profile in the UK – in October the number of people following the singer rose by over 333k people. The second fastest growing profile belonged to Ed Sheehan and third to Emma Watson, who gained over 199k and 160k new followers respectively. One Direction’s and Harry Styles’ profiles are the most engaging though, with over 7m and 6m followers performing activities such as liking, retweeting, or replying to tweets. Liam comes in third in this ranking with over 4,4m followers engaged.

Harry Styles, Adele and One Direction topping the Twitter rankings.
The average UK Twitter profile published over 478 tweets in October, with tweets being retweeted on average 2654 times. An average tweet on the other hand gained over 247 retweets and 326 favorites. Of course, the leader in the number of favorites per profile is Harry Styles with over 189k favorites. The One Direction’s member was also the author of 10 out of 10 best tweets of the month.
As this is our first edition of Twitter Trends UK report, we would appreciate any and all suggestions and will be very grateful for your feedback in the comments below.
Read the full Twitter Trends October report
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