One Minute Of A Consumer's Time On Mobile Will Cost You Nearly £7
A new international research study shows what consumers believe they are worth to mobile advertisers.
A new international research study, conducted by Opinium Research and commissioned by Millennial Media, “What’s My Worth? 2015,” polled over 4,000 consumers across France, Germany, UK and US.
It explored the value exchange consumers have with advertisers in return for letting them into their most personal environment, their mobile devices. The results have been some of the most interesting I’ve seen from a consumer study on mobile advertising.
With the support of Opinium Research (which conducted the survey) and industry psychologist Dr. Simon Hampton (who has had input at every stage of the research) we’ve delivered some fantastic new insights for our clients and partners.
As it’s a heavyweight piece of research I wanted to share three of the most interesting results from my perspective:
1: The response from consumers was that the mean expected time for advertising on mobile devices was 1.3 minutes in a one hour time frame, demonstrating that mobile ads have to be highly effective in a concise time span if they are to engage consumers and deliver results.
2: Today’s consumers understand and accept the value exchange of ads supporting free apps and content – 79 percent said they understood this paradigm, 72 percent said they expected ads to keep content free and only three percent paid for apps to remove ads.
3: Mobile devices are more than twice as likely (22%) than desktop (10%) to make consumers remember a product or message at a later date.
How creativity can drive value: As we make our way into this year’s Cannes Lions Festival on the French Riviera, it’s also a pertinent time to look at how creativity can help to drive engagement with consumers to create value.
What’s My Worth? shows that the majority of consumers get mobile advertising and understand that in order to keep some services free there is a value exchange with brands and content owners. Furthermore, mobile has the power to drive consumers to a specific action, and is outperforming desktop by two to one on areas such as product recall. However, time and relevance are of the utmost importance to consumers, factors that must be worked into advertisers mobile creative.
Before brands launch campaigns, they need to consider the desired engagement as consumers move across screens, media, and moments, and how the creative they build can best leverage context to capture attention and drive toward specific actions. As mobile experiences move beyond the banner, the proper use of tools like rich media and mobile video will be especially key to highly engaging experiences that drive true value for consumers.
You can access the full report
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