
Google Plus - Why? How?

Google Plus is being used by millions. Is it time you used it too?

Google Plus is a social channel that often scares a lot of companies. It can be difficult to find out how to use it, and this means that it often gets ignored. My advice is, don’t fear it. Use it! I will explain why and how. 

As can be seen in this statistic from January 2015, Google Plus has got more active users than Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr. 

Google Plus
Google Plus is a very useful channel for your business to improve search engine optimisation. When you have built your Google Plus Business Page and have had it verified, Google will award your engagement by automatically ranking you higher in the Google search results. When your Google Plus followers give your posts a 1+, they will influence what is popular at Google Plus, and this will push your status higher. Whenever a person follows you at Google Plus, your brand will be shown higher when they are searching in the Google search engine.

Google Plus Local
If you choose to opimize your brand to Google Plus Local, your business will be shown on Google Maps, and your contact information, phone number, and opening hours become available to the search engine, along with your latest posts at Google Plus. 

Google Plus Communities
When it comes to communities at Google Plus, there is much that is valuable and interesting for your business. You can post your content in the communities and get your brand exposed amongst an audience that has a special interest in exactly your area. If you get more advanced, you can make your own community and reach even further.

Google Hangouts
By using Google Hangouts you will be able to maintain contact with your potential and existing costumers by using HD video or text. You can arrange meetings with a maxium of 15 participants. Furthermore you can combine your Google Hangout meeting with your Google Calendar.

How To Create A Google Plus Page
When you create a Gmail account for your business, you will automatically get access to create your Google Plus Business Page. Before you start, consider whether you need a normal Google Plus business page or if it is best with a Google Plus Local page. Add as much information as is possible; address, phone number, email, links to your other social channels, website etc. Remember to confirm your website by adding your Google Plus code to the start page of your website. By doing that, your Google Plus page will be shown at the right side of the Google search engine results and it will be easier for users to find your details.

Interact, Interact, Interact
It can’t be said enough! You have to interact with your followers. Don’t hold back giving 1+ to your followers posts. Share those posts that are interesting and relevant to your followers, and relates to your business area. If a post is particularly useful, add a comment whereby you credit the person or business that posted the content.

Hopefully, after reading this blog, you are motivated to create a Google Plus business page, if you haven’t done already. At that point you can start getting your share of all the potential that is waiting for you.

If you need consulting and advice regarding your brand and how you can get the most exposure across the social channels, you are always more than welcome to contact the qualified people at UKDK by e-mailing [email protected]

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