Know, Like and Trust
There are numerous statistics around the sales/conversion process and it is just as applicable to Social Media as to the traditional sales channels. Take the following chart as an example.
There are numerous statistics around the sales/conversion process and it is just as applicable to Social Media as to the traditional sales channels. Take the following chart as an example.

The way in which we "transact" has changed, the reasons why have not. To transact, we have to know, like and trust someone. You can achieve the same results with social media using the three C’s – Connections (Know), Conversations (Like) and Conversions (Trust), with the understanding that conversion really means any activity that adds value to your organisation.
The art and practice of the three C’s is the today’s equivalent of the Sales Statistic chart above. People transact with other people when they know, like and trust someone or something. In today’s highly social and connected world, most people get to know people through social media platforms be it LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter (the main ones, to name just a few), they get to like them over time (seeing and being informed by their posts, shares and likes or by following conversations), and therefore establish a sense of trust.
If we take the process a step further and provide a solution as opposed to pushing a sale, we begin to see the importance of applying the above principles to today’s premier distribution platform – Social Media.
I believe the term “Sales Person” will disappear and be replaced by Solution Provider, and becoming a top Solution Provider will mean you become an Influencer.
Influencers by definition have an audience, and make it possible to go from one to many, exponentially,
Influential people serve as filters on in Social Media, and often act as conduits to the most important content
Influencers are also trendsetters, and more often than not shape the future of the conversation
I was delighted to see and read some of the work being done in this field by a company called Traackr. Before you ask, I am in no way affiliated with, worked for, or associated with the company.
To be totally honest with you, I am currently working on a list of companies (more specifically visionary CEO’s) that I would love to work with – this company just made that list!