
Mike Arce
Mike Arce 6 August 2015
Categories Mobile

Free Mobile-Friendly Tools To Help Optimize Your Site

If your business isn't already optimized, you give competitors who are optimized a leg up.

As of April 21st, 2015 Google launched another algorithm update: Mobilegeddon. This was a big sign from Google that it’s time for businesses everywhere to adapt online. Essentially, it put the spotlight on those who weren’t already optimized.


By launching this update, Google made mobile-friendliness a ranking factor in their search results. It became a huge part of internet marketing. So if your business isn’t already optimized, you give competitors who are optimized a leg up.


You also may have heard that more searches are now done on mobile than on desktop. So of course Google wants to cater to this for its users. If you’re an ecommerce site, for instance, 30% of people will abandon their shopping cart if it’s not mobile optimized.  


So it’s important to get up to speed. This isn’t only because it can hurt your rankings if you aren’t mobile friendly, but also to encourage user experience and bring in more customers.


Here are a few of our favorite tools (that are also free!) you can use:

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

What better way to test your website for Google’s latest update than with a Google tool. This mobile-friendly test analyzes your URL’s mobile-friendly design.


This is an example of a website that isn’t optimized:     This is an example of one that is:

Mobile Phone Emulator

If you are in the process of making a mobile-friendly site, this tool is awesome. It allows you to test the performance of your pages on several different devices.


See what your website looks like on an iPhone, iPad, Samsung, Blackberry, and so much more. It covers all your bases.

GTmetrix or PageSpeed Insights

Both of these tools test how fast your website is on mobile. Check out how long it takes for your pages to load, get recommendation on how to improve your site speed, and more.


So once your enter your URL, both of these tools will show you something that looks a little like this:

As you can tell, you’re given a detailed description on what needs to be fixed, what your average site speed score is, and specific ways to improve the overall mobile experience.

Mobile SEO

Feed The Bot offers an awesome tool that caters specifically to SEO issues on your webpages for mobile.


This tool checks for overall user experience, performance, redirects, JavaScript issues, image optimization, and so much more. It’s your one-stop-shop for SEO mobile info.


These are just a few of our favorites to get a business started and on track. What are a few of the mobile-friendly tools you use?

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