Discover Connected Innovation
In this shifting global business landscape the key to success is people driven, technology enabled, communication and collaboration.
The way we work is changing. More and more demands are being made for a flexible, anytime, anywhere, workplace culture. In this shifting global business landscape the key to success is people driven, technology enabled, communication and collaboration. The key to success is Connected Innovation.
The World Of Work Is Changing
Success in the shifting global landscape stems from flexible communication and constructive collaboration, boosting productivity.
The key to this success? Connected Innovation.
30% of millennials expect to never work fixed hours.
Millennials are demanding more flexibility, less time in the office and a corporate structure more adapted to their lives, and they are driving your business forward.
80% of employees believe telecommuting boosts morale.
True business value comes from workforce engagement, heightening employee collaboration, boosting clarity of message and sparking creativity aligned with core business aims.
80% of employees believe telecommuting boosts morale.
70% of businesses now see unified communications as a strategic programme.
Businesses and their employees must now be available, and able to work anytime, anywhere, driving the strategic aims of the company forward in this new, and changing, global climate.
In order to achieve success, the modern business must respond to this shifting landscape of flexible working, dispersed virtual teams, multiple devices and digital security. Imagine a world where collaboration is effortless – driving innovation, agility, productivity and true business value.
Your Journey To Connected Innovation Starts Here…
The knowledge and experience of your team is crucial to new development. Tap into that pool of creativity by breaking down communication barriers and simplifying conversations. Flexible technology solutions enable any place, any time productivity and give you the tools to make strategic decisions faster and more effectively than ever before, cutting costs and boosting profits.
[Strategic] Unite technology, culture and people and align them to strategic business goals.
[Effective] Enable employees through improved communications and data access, meaning strategic decision-making is quicker, more effective and profitable.
[Flexible] Respond to a modern workforce demanding anywhere, anytime flexibility. Ensure flexible collaboration across your company and drive productivity.
Drive collaboration through communication, enabling alignment between your people and your strategic business goals.Through collaboration comes engagement, sparking creativity and unlocking the full potential of your people. Channel this potential into your business to move you ever closer towards your strategic goals. With simplified communication tools user adoption can be boosted so that this proactive and immediate communication becomes the norm.
Success is about making the right connections at the right time.Close and seamless communication between employees ensures effective collaboration, enabling them to share ideas immediately and with the right people, resulting in successful execution of your strategic goals and boosting productivity within your business.
One size doesn’t fit all. The modern workforce demands flexibility. Flexibility in their working structure and in the way they communicate and collaborate. This workforce is not driving your business forward from the office but from coffee shops, commuter trains and their homes. Enable them to have the flexibility they need, and boost engagement, through seamless communications platforms.
Looking Forward…
Flexible communication through Connected Innovation enables effective collaboration and heightens engagement across your workforce, driving progress and ensuring strategic alignment between your various business functions and goals.
Begin your journey to connected innovation with the Arkadin microsite. Discover how flexible communication provisions help align business processes and resources more closely with strategy, delivering new savings and efficiencies at every opportunity.