6 Reasons Why You Need Data Driven Marketing
Today's Mad Man drives marketing with data. Instincts are good, insight is better. Without data, an insight is just a hunch.
The 60s adman: witty, urbane, sophisticated. But flawed. Don Draper created campaigns on instinct, acting more on feeling than thinking. He had some success... but far more failures you never heard about. Today’s Mad Man drives marketing with data. Instincts are good, insight is better. Without data, an insight is just a hunch. Without data, a mad man is a sad man. Today’s marketer is positive about data. Data gathered from social trends, web content… and your own CRM. There are many reasons to adopt a marketing strategy based on data-driven insight. Here are 6:
REASON 1: BECAUSE DATA IS EVERYWHERE.Where does useful data come from? Chances are it’s already in your business. A well-designed CRM programme can collect and analyse, serving up insights on a plate. 43% of customers use fewer than half the features they have on their CRM. Insights come easier if you use CRM smarter.
REASON 2: BECAUSE EVERYONE IS DOING IT.Gartner predicts CRM will be a $36bn sector by 2017. Still think guesstimates and gut instincts are the way to go? Without data, even a genius gets it wrong. 91% of companies with more than 11 people use CRM. But only 50% OF SUB-10-PERSON companies. (Is CRM how a sub-10 turns into an SME?)
REASON 3: BECAUSE CONTENT OWNS YOUR CAMPAIGN.Your brand today is whatever people say it is. The customer’s impression of you is a collage of snippets, articles, blogs and PDFs and Tweets. Your campaign is content. 25% of customers who used Twitter and Facebook to communicate… expected an answer within one hour. Campaigning today isn’t so much reaching out, as pointing out. Make sure your CRM can wrap around the campaign.
REASON 4: BECAUSE DATA MAKES IT MEASURABLE.A Mad Man once said he didn’t know which half of his ad budget worked. That was then, this is now. Tracking metrics make every click, every opportunity measurable. And every behaviour an INSIGHT. The average CRM has an ROI of 560% when used as a data-driven strategy, not just for campaigns.
REASON 5: BECAUSE RATIONAL DOESN’T MEAN COLD.Being data-driven doesn’t make your ideas less “emotional”. Quite the opposite. Data-driven insights reach deep into the human condition. They create customer engagement. But to know how people feel, you’ve got to know what people think. Knowing what they think takes data. The coldest, hardest look at data drives the strongest emotional engagement with customers. And CRM is the channel that connects.
REASON 6: BECAUSE CRM CONNECTS INSIGHT WITH ACTION.With those insights in hand, it’s time to communicate them… and CRM is the ideal method. The insights came from there. The communication comes from there. And you already know the people in there, personally.Data-driven marketing with CRM leads to communications that sear the soul, with ideas that feel right..
WE ARE NOT MAD MEN.WE ARE MAD ABOUT DATA-DRIVEN MARKETING.AND CRM IS THE SOURCE OF DATA.Discover the benefits CRM can bring to your business by downloading this guide:
The Ultimate Guide to: Using CRM for data driven marketing success
Original Article
Find out more on the future of Technology at our DLUK - Trends Briefing on the 24th September 2015