Social Media Gone Bananas With Groupon And James Blunt
What happens when you have a response on your social media platform? And what do you do when it is negative?
Social media is quickly becoming the main channel where companies interact with their customers.
The main difference between traditional customer service phone interactions and social media is that the latter is always omnipresent whilst the former expects a formal time of response. When we engage on social media we expect an immediate response, we have taken the instantaneous nature of social media at heart.
What happens when you have a response on your social media platform? and what do you do when it is negative? There are various replies to those questions and experts have different views what to do and say. Some would opt for replying to those where you can gain a strategic advantage, letting go angry responses or taking the high road in your replies. Many advise to have a well thought-out plan but not necessarily to answer to every single post. Others would argue that it is imperative to answer every single post and close any gaps, responding to negative comments on a case-by-case basis.
One point seems to be common from experts’ comments, all seem to agree that it has to be quick and maintaining professionalism is key. Sometimes introducing a bit of humour works to your advantage. Groupon recently published an ad for a Banana bunker and it was the social media replies not the item itself that made the headlines.

It gained around 270K shares on Facebook within a few days, simply because it was slyly commenting on anyone making sex jokes about the item. It was a campaign that caught on like a house on fire. Many of the questions were simply jokes or fooling around but because of the humorous immediate response people felt compelled to engage.

Even artists are using this scheme to build up their fan base. James Blunt is famous for giving sharp replies to negative comments towards him, adding to his fan-base simply from the way he replies.

Either way you are planning your response strategy, it is important that companies having a social media presence know what comes next and how to react to negative comments or jokes.
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