
Aaron Harris
Aaron Harris 15 October 2014

Learn Batman's Branding Strategy

I'm Batman!! And let us teach you something about marketing that you will never ever forget!

I’m Batman!


You’ve read that line with that Batman’s trademark husky voice, didn’t you? Why? Because everyone knows Batman. He’s not only a “vigilante at night” superhero with flashy gadgets and tools, but he’s also a multi-billionaire marketer.

Yep! Just like me and the rest of the marketing industry, Bruce Wayne is your typical successful marketer who’s very good at using his own brand and company in order to generate more sales. Don’t you wonder how can he do such a thing? How can he single handedly go overboard with Gotham City’s sales?


Let us admit it. Batman (uhm, erm, Bruce Wayne) is an idol when it comes to marketing and branding strategy not only in his fictional life but also in reality. Admit it, whenever you see that black shadow of a bat, you’ll be reminded of Batman. That is how genius Bruce Wayne is when it comes to marketing.


One thing that really makes Batman unique as a character (and a marketer) is that he is able to balance everything out, despite the fact that he is both a Superhero and a marketer at the same time. This is why any marketer should be curious about his techniques as a marketer.


But do not worry, I personally spoke to Batman and he gave me this lists of tips and tricks about branding. “He” also said that these tips will not only help you spread your brand’s existence, it will also help you create more sales. Better jot these items hastily!

  1.   Know your targeted criminal, er, traffic - Knowing your targeted traffic could help you bring out your brand easier. Just like what Batman always does whenever he doesn’t know his enemies, you need to stop and think what kinds of people you are really heading to. Do you want to target younger audience? Do you want to look into more specific demographics? As long as you know your goal, your brand will surely grow.


  1.   Be consistent – Batman’s logo never changed no matter what happened to his costume. His logo will always be a shadow of a bat.

You should also with your brand. You should be able to be consistent. Regularly changing your brand will only lead your customer to confusion. As much as possible, stick to your own original story and develop it. Know the ins and out of your brand to consistently get website traffic. Improve and be better.


  1.   Have the right gadgets for your strategy -  When it comes to tools and other gadgets, our vigilante had all of them. You got pairs of Batarangs or even a cave full of Batmobile. Bruce Wayne only shows that he can be quite resourceful when it comes to finishing his job.


As a marketer, you must also know how handle specific problems and scenarios with your available resources. It may not have the same quantity as Bruce Wayne’s, but I am confident that you could make it all out. If you think your own resources can’t handle the pressure of your brand, you could still get help from others through outsourcing.


Learn Batman’s branding strategy by studying these examples above and apply it to your brand. Who knows, maybe you are a Batman in this kind of thing. You may never know until you try it out, right?

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