
Jeremy Siegfried
Jeremy Siegfried 25 June 2014
Categories Content, Social Media

YouTube Around The World [Infographic]

Check some interesting stats for YouTube around the world!

With an estimated one billion unique monthly visitors, YouTube is perhaps the most popular video platform in the world and it features thousands of different videos on a wide variety of topics. Whether you are looking for the latest viral video of a laughing baby, a step by step tutorial or maybe even an webisode of your favourite online show – you are sure to find it on YouTube.


Video is something that has international appeal, and in fact around 80% of the YouTube’s traffic come from outside of the USA. The way that users from around the world interact with YouTube differs from one country to the next and a brand new infographic from shows how users from various countries across the globe are making use of YouTube.


One of the countries that is highlighted in the infographic is Saudi Arabia where many young people are turning to YouTube for entertainment because of the fact that the government controls the country’s television programming. The majority of the YouTube channels that hail from Saudi Arabia broadcast are on the theme of social comedy.


Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom 35% of the country’s population are actively using YouTube and visits to the site make up 1 in every 4 social media hits. One of the most popular channels among YouTube channels amongst the UK audience is the official One Direction VEVO channel with nearly 13 million subscribers. Music is one of the main types of content enjoyed by the British users. However, in Germany it is a slightly different story because YouTube have had to implement a filter which stops music videos from being uploaded. This means that more than 60% of videos

are blocked in Germany. In spite of this, Germany is still among the top countries in terms of the number of YouTube viewers.


You can find out more by checking out the infographic below.







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