
Emma Durant
Emma Durant 26 June 2014

The Power & Precision of Global Email Marketing

Email has experienced a rejuvenation of late; the once maligned channel has reemerged as a powerful communication tool in an on-demand, multi-touch world.

Email has experienced a rejuvenation of late; the once maligned channel has reemerged as a powerful communication tool in an on-demand,
multi-touch world.

To give a sense of just how fast email marketing is growing: estimates predict that the industry will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 20% and account for $6.5 billion by 2018, in comparison to the $1.5 billion spent in 2010. (Transparency Market Research)

The contributing factors that have primed this growth include greater accessibility to email allowed by smartphones and deeper Internet penetration into geographic areas whose online potential have yet to be fully tapped. Another success factor is that consumer focused companies have shifted more towards the value-based, narrowcast approach to email that B2B companies have used to great effect.

A study from Forrester Research verified expected growth in the short term, as 80% of retailers said that they planned on increasing this year’s budget for email marketing campaigns.


1. Email’s Rebranding Has Increased Effectiveness
Marketers are feeling more comfortable investing in email because open rates are as high as they have been in years, with a 31.1 percent open rate across all industries according to an Epsilon Email Trends and Benchmark Report. In the post-spam era, prospective clients are more receptive to email marketing because it is now implicit that marketers have carefully segmented and targeted only those they deem as interested prospects for their offering.


2. The Most Direct Customer Communication Tool
During the email marketing process, the initial step is brand awareness. After this first point of contact establishes a foundation, the subsequent emails function as a customer communication tool. An engaged consumer is then more receptive to being sent further pieces of content or being redirected to suggested product offerings.


3. A Valuable Resource for Customer Acquisition
Increased receptiveness from prospects allows marketers direct access because reading emails accounts for 28 percent of the average workday, according to a Search Engine Journal article. For the better, the email marketing industry’s shift away from quantity towards focusing on creating relevant and engaging content has the industry positioned for global success.


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