
Suzanne Stock
Suzanne Stock 27 January 2014
Categories Data & Analytics

Why you can't afford to ignore telemarketing if you want new business...

How to make telemarketing a success in the digital age with segmented data lists and creative script writing.

How to make telemarketing a success in the digital age with segmented data lists and creative script writing.

Get those phones ready to go and follow our tips for telemarketing success in the digital age.

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Telemarketing if You Want New Business . . .  image why you cant afford to ignore telemarketing if you want new business

In the age of digital marketing, it has been said that telemarketing is a tool of the dinosaurs. Extinct, not relevant, not effective. But in fact, the opposite is true. Think about it – we live in a very impersonal age so, if you do it right, the personal touch really can get good results in the B2B world. Telemarketing is a key weapon for B2B brands, particularly as a means of nurturing prospects so that you win new business.

So how can you make sure you get telemarketing right, to get the results you want?

How to make telemarketing work for you

Let’s look at a few of the reasons that telemarketing campaigns fail, according to Econsultancy, and how you can avoid these pitfalls.

  • Reason #1 – Not calling the right people

Also known as lack of segmentation. A definite no-no. You wouldn’t send an unsegmented email campaign so why should it be OK for telemarketing campaigns? Investing in up-to-date, targeted telemarketing data lists so you can be sure you’re calling the right people will make all the difference.

  • Reason #2 – Not collecting data

So you’ve invested in a telemarketing data list – but don’t stop there. Not every call will get you the result you want, however it’s still a great opportunity to add richer data to the list you’ve bought. If you always add more data every time you call, you start to gain a deeper understanding of what your customers and prospects need and want.

  • Reason #3 – Not having clear goals

This is true of many marketing campaigns, whether via telemarketing, direct mail or email. Don’t start your campaign until you know what you want it to achieve. Follow the tips in this article on setting marketing campaign goals to set SMART targets (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound).

  • Reason #4 – Not being creative

Just because your telemarketers’ script is not visual, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t spend time on making it creative. After all, it is a marketing campaign and creativity has always been at the heart of marketing success. Read these recommendations for writing a telemarketing script before you start on yours.

  • Reason #5 – Not making changes

One of the key routes to success in any marketing campaign in any media is seeing what works and what doesn’t, and tweaking accordingly. If you just keep plugging away saying the same old thing when it’s clearly not working then you’re not going to be happy with the results. Start with a small segment of the list, gather your data, score the calls, and then use what you learn to the necessary changes for success.


Things to remember

To ensure success from your next telemarketing campaign:

  • Segment your data list.

  • Collect more data on every call.

  • Make sure you know what you’re trying to achieve.

  • Have a great script.

  • Adapt what you’re doing in line with what each call teaches you

For more great marketing advice read the eGuide: The business owner’s guide: use data lists to boost the sales pipeline


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