The 10 best marketing infographics of 2013
Find out what the best infographics of 2013 were all about.
The world of digital marketing underwent many changes in 2013. These top ten marketing infographics highlight the biggest changes and how you should respond to them.
1.What is Hummingbird?
In September 2013, Google rolled out a new algorithm release called Hummingbird. The bottom line was to make search more human and provide more relevant results. It’s estimated that it has impacted on 90% of searches. How these changes affect digital marketing is laid out in this handy infographic.
2.Is Mobile Internet Taking Over Desktop Usage?
It’s been predicted that 2014 will be the year that mobile internet usage finally overtakes desktop usage. As this marketing infographic shows, the implications for digital marketing are huge – content now needs to be created so it can be easily read on smaller screens while on the go.
3.The year of responsive web design
A responsive website is one that’s built to respond to a user’s environment, including screen size and operating system. With more people owning more devices – 90% of people use multi-screens frequently – it’s an important development, allowing customers a seamless experience of your brand online.
4.Photographidemic: It’s a visual takeover!
The rise of visual social networks such as Pinterest and Instagram show that a picture really is worth a thousand words. With over 35 million registered Instagram users and an average of 5 million pins a day on Pinterest, visual content is going nowhere fast as this infographic reveals.