
Giorgia Rossini
Giorgia Rossini 6 January 2014
Categories Advertising, Content, Mobile

Best quotes from Content London - Branding and Content.

The best quotes from Content London's Branding and Content event.


Best quotes from Content London – Branding and Content.

If you’re in digital, you will have heard of Content London. And following up the other blog posts by Be and AimeeGiorgia from our UX team and I wanted to add our thoughts on the event. We both attended Propaganda Factory, a day of talks centred on branding and content and how they affect our lives. We thought we’d summarise by putting together the most quotable sentences, to give you a list of awesome quotes.


So first up was Nick Cohen from MediaCom on “Beyond advertising”. He was talking about how brand strategies can be restructured to make content the focal point. Memorable quotes include:

-          “One thing leads to another – everything is connected”

-          “If you can get brands to manage both culture and technology, we could make amazing stuff”

-          “Traditional advertising is in decline, new platforms are being opened to brands to be shared from the consumer”

-          “BUT are we starting to be content blind? Brands need to remember quality and relevance”.

-          “Brands are the commissioning editors – they hold the purse strings”


Up next was a content marketing masterclass run by Jeremy Garner (Weapon7), Chris G Barnes (Adjust Your Set) and Michael Reeves (Red Bee Media). They talked about methodologies on how to make advertising into something more persuasive, that will work in favour of both content and brands.

-          Jeremy:  “Some things to keep in mind: objects as protagonists and treating a product as a character”.

-          Chris G Barnes: “Need a constant flow of content that drives conversation”.

-          “Content needs to be tailored to context and device. It shouldn’t all be the same on everything, as customers use in different ways”

-          “Video is to the new world what tv advertising was to the old world”.

-          “Traditional ads placed into digital just shout at the consumer”

-          Michael Reeves: “Think of people as audiences. Have a clear editorial positioning. Think about the movie, not the trailer”.

-          “The three C’s of narrative structure are Catalyst, Conflict, Conclusion”.


After the coffee break, we spoke about making social work with Dan Allen (Digital Animal), Paul Benn (Somethin’ Else), Allan Blair (Tribal) and Seb Underhill (33seconds)

-          Dan Allen: “You can’t think of content without considering difference in platforms, devices and users”.

-          Paul Benn identified “new needs, new users to target. Make consumer lives easier”. “Content has to be considered to make a digital piece work properly” “Empathy and User process are critical to any campaign around social media/connected platforms” “Make a framework for a community to start on to be successful”

-          And Allan Blair: “With targeted content, you can funnel a broad audience to the same product”. Success equals high engagement and value”


At the end of the session, we had a chat about Native Advertising – what does the N Word even mean?

-          “Advertising that takes advantage of the platform it is on”

-          “It’s advertising that is embedded as part of the product”

-          “Is Native Advertising a happy marriage between Content and Brands?”

-          “The negatives around Native advertising  is that it can be misleading – if too embedded it can be deceptive”


The last session we attended was on mobile marketing and creative strategy, led by Nick Marsh (Mojiva, EMEA) and Sean McKnight (BigMotive/ROLLTV)

-          “We live in a generation of people with nomophobia. Fear of being mobileless”

-          “Mobile IS the future of media and people need to understand how to utilise it”

-          “Geolocation enables targeted advertising and helps avoid wasted advertising”.

-          “Interactive advertising utilises features specific to mobile phones. ie touch screens, geolocation etc.”

-          “Mobile – the challenge is ROI – what sort of tracking can be monitored on the success of your campaign”

-          “Mobile is great for linking content and commerce”

We found the sessions extremely interesting, and cause for a lot of questions amongst us. A popular one seemed to be what is the difference between branded content and advertising?

So what do you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts, so connect with us on Twitter, and let’s have a chat: Leanne,Giorgia.

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