The Age of Influence is Now. Find Your Voice.
"Welcome to the Age of Influence, where anyone can build an audience and effect change, advocate brands, build relationships and make a difference." - Ted Rubin
“Welcome to the Age of Influence, where anyone can build an audience and effect change, advocate brands, build relationships and make a difference.” – Ted Rubin
I came across this quote from Ted Rubin the other day and it made me think for a while. Not because of the profound statement that it makes, but because of the simplicity that it was made. After all, if you’re reading this, you’ve already validated his point. Throughout the day we read articles and posts that in a different time, we would never have had access to. But today it’s open for us all to congregate, share ideas, advocate for change, build relationships and become a community. The “Age of Influence” as Ted so correctly calls it, is in front of us not as something new, fresh or technically advanced. It’s here because these audiences and advocates have always existed, but for the first time there’s an actual space that’s able to bring everyone together. It’s a place where ideas are shared and become contagious. Where expertise can emerge to the podium, information is freely exchanged and relationships become the most sought after currency on and offline. I was able to find mentors that believe what I believe in Ted Rubin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Jay Baer, Chris Brogan, Simon Sinek and so many more where I can listen and learn. And through listening to them I discovered I had my own voice. Speaker, listener, writer, reader, leader, follower. We all play these different but critical roles at various times, each one just as important as the next to survive. Whether we speak of this as individuals or brands, the same requirements hold true. And that’s what makes this so special, so engaging and so critical at this time of social media. As we search for the things that bring us closer together, we find bonds that create a more intimate presence. Where anyone can speak openly, build an audience and effect change, advocate, build relationships and make a difference. Everyone has a voice – go find yours. Thanks for inspiring this Ted!
This article was previously posted here