How To Get Serious With Your Blog And Start Getting Results
Here are 6 king tips that will help you improve the quality, reach and impact of your personal brand's blog's contents.
Here are 6 king tips that will help you improve the quality, reach and impact of your personal brand’s blog’s contents.

1. Planning
Ideally, you will plan your contents in advance (monthly, for instance). That is, establish the type of contents and topics: professional, challenges, events, experiences, presentations, etc. Define the social object (text/video/pictures/audio) from one month to the next, with some margin for unexpected events. That would be perfect.
Note: I’m not talking about knowing what the main topic of the posts will be exactly for a whole month. In fact, I don’t even know what I’m going to be talking about tomorrow. However, you do need to know what it is you want to do. Then, you’ll have to search for whatever inspires you.
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2. Be Personal
Blogs are a personal means of communication. People want to connect with you. Your audience wants to feel what you feel, be moved by what you write. They want to know your thoughts and feelings. A good example of this is Tim Ferris’s blog (his writing!) Is it him who writes it? I bet it is.
3. Human
Obviously, if it’s personal, it must be human. Vulnerability is hot! Example: Chris Brogan.
4. Avoid Repetition
Be careful with the type of content you publish. Talking about content marketing 7 days a week, or motivation or online marketing strategy can become repetitive and tiresome. Alternate contents and mix them up once you find the right approach. Careful: Guy Kawasaki is being on the other extreme.
5. Personal Reflections
Life, changes, work, projects, learning, failures, etc. All of this content is indispensable in a blog that focuses on a person. Otherwise it will just feel too corporate and there will be no connection. The more personal it is, the more connection there will be.
6. Connect Dimensions
If you manage to create a blog where you talk about a mix of things from life, work and experiences across the board, you’ll have a smashing blog! Chris Brogan has been doing a really great job of it.
What other tips can you think of? What other things work for you?
Photo credit: plagspotter.
Original post here.
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