Good Social Media Connections Have Nothing To Do With Luck
Was there ever a time when media wasn't social? The width and depth of connections with today's tools was unimaginable barely a decade ago. At the heart of it all, what you really need to execute a successful social media campaign is plain old common sense.
In this article we take a contrariness perspective of social media. Rather than delve into its complexities, we’ll take a dip into its refreshing simplicity. Give your audience what they want, when they want it, packaged in the most natural way for them to have it.
A Numbers Game
Many discussions about social media marketing centre on finding more cunning ways to draw the biggest number of likes or followers.
Despite their intangibility, the imaginary weight of this mass of desirable social signals drags the conversation down to a simplistic my-page-is-bigger-than-yours argument. But engaging customers and inviting them to take part-ownership in your social media presence takes a lot more courage and effort than that. So ask them what they want from your social media channels. What would they like to see more and less of?
This can be achieved in many ways. One less-travelled road is to ask your customers directly by sending short email surveys or requests for feedback. This will work best with your most loyal subset of customers, and it shows how social and email marketing strategies can actually support and complement each other.
Read more on Digital Doughnut
Do it in Real-time
If there’s one casualty in the relentless intrusion of social media in every aspect of our lives – that is, besides our privacy – it’s the old-fashioned idea of building and launching elaborate marketing campaigns centred around one concept and which spans a number of weeks or even months.
Real-time is the name of the game when it comes to social media marketing nowadays. This is a direct extension of the concept that the quickest person in a competition wins. This time round, the arena is the internet gaming market and the prize money is revenue which could be added to your company’s bottom line. Real-time social media marketing forces companies to stay nimble and alert to the wider context they are operating in. There are myriad opportunities, arising every day, to which iGaming operators could respond by incorporating them into their marketing efforts. The latest sports results, weird or funny news and celebrity and corporate mishaps are all grist to the social media marketing mill. You just have to be quick enough to catch them.
Be Trendy (but never, ever user the word ‘trendy’)
Short of having you physically standing there right next to them all the time, your customers expect your company to adapt to their every move with near-telepathic immediacy. The tables have certainly turned on corporations, who now have to keep up with the latest trends in their customers online habits and more. Different social media channels typically appeal to a distinct type of user and each has its own set of conventions. Understanding and speaking the native language of every channel you use is vital to get your message across effectively, even though the uniqueness of your company’s voice should remain intact no matter which platform you’re using at any moment. The biggest pitfall in social media marketing is that companies do not learn the lingo. This ultimately results in poor engagement levels from the fans and a page that has become irrelevant both to them and the company that created it. The truth, that many organisations overlook, is that there’s no cookie-cutter approach available to makes social media marketing pay off without putting in all the effort. Will there be one in the future? Who knows? But I am not holding my breath.
Read more about social media tools and practices here.