Use All of Your Digital Tools to Find Success Online
Using all of your digital tools effectively is the key to finding success online.
Many of the new clients I begin working with come in with the misconception that a website and social media are virtually the same thing. Although they are both online, digital tools, their jobs are as different as a hammer and a screwdriver. Each one plays an individual role in a larger job. Singularly, they’re very good at handling the tasks they’re meant for, but no matter how hard you try, a hammer will never be a good substitute for driving screws nor will a screwdriver be as effective at pounding nails. In order to have a successful outcome, the right tool has to be used first.
Whether we’re talking about Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr or any of the other social media channels at our disposal, absolute focus needs to be on your customers. Social media is exactly that, social. The key to being successful on this platform is understanding that it’s not a place for your brand to speak, but to listen and respond. It’s not so much about you, but your customers. If you’re on a first date and you spend the whole night obsessing about yourself, how great you are and all of things you have to offer, the odds of you getting a second date are very unlikely. But that’s how a lot of brands use these channels. Relax and listen. When you do say something, make sure it provides value to the conversation. It’s ok if you don’t always get it right as long as you’re honest and accountable.
If we use the dating analogy for the website, then it would take on the role of the dating profile. It’s meant to tell your story from your perspective. It’s not a conversation, it’s your personalized brochure that tells the world all about your. As consumers, we expect to learn more about a brand from their website - what they do, who they are, their mission, how to contact them, etc. This is their opportunity to gain a further understanding of your brand, products and/or services.
Use the strengths of each one to help connect with your customers on multiple levels and in multiple ways. Listen to your customers on the channels they expect it and inform them on the ones where they want it. Using all of your tools effectively is the key to finding success online.